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financial reserves,or"rainy day"funds,safeguard local range a statistical formula produces. GFOA recently had the <br /> governments against budget-straining risks like reces- chance to test this with a local government that was at risk <br /> sions or extreme events that demand a quick and for wildfires.The association asked the local fire department <br /> decisive public safety response.The perennial question local to estimate the magnitude of potential fires, and we com- <br /> governments have about reserves is how much is enough.Too pared its estimate to data on actual fires that had occurred <br /> little and you may be underprepared for the risks you face,but in the region.The range from the fire department was almost <br /> too much may mean you're overtaxing the public or failing to exactly 50 percent smaller than the range suggested by the <br /> make investments in needed infrastructure or services. data we had gathered. <br /> GFOA recommends maintaining general fund reserves Another persistent flaw in people's reasoning about risk is <br /> equal to two months of operating revenue—or, put another tending to over-rely on recent experiences because they are <br /> way, equal to 16.7 percent of annual revenue. However, this able to more easily recall them.The classic example is flood <br /> is just a rule of thumb, and each local government needs to insurance,which people buy after a flood occurs—but after <br /> decide the right amount for itself. For example, a smaller a few years, many of those people will have let their insur- <br /> local government that relies on sales taxes (which are often ance lapse, even though the underlying risk of a flood has <br /> vulnerable to economic downturns) and is at risk for experi- not changed at all. <br /> encing a number of potential natural <br /> It isn't just people's reasoning about <br /> disasters would need relatively more <br /> reserves than a larger government that GFOA recommends risk that impedes a proper s <br /> in of it. Common analyticalytical tan <br /> tools <br /> is reliant on property taxes(which are maintaining general fund may actually lead to worse decision- <br /> usually fairly stable,despite economic <br /> reserves equal to two months making about risk. Perhaps the best <br /> downturns) and is subject to fewer <br /> natural disasters. of operating revenge — example is the average,which summa- <br /> rizes an array of data into one conve- <br /> TRYING TO or, put another way, equal nient number. However, the average <br /> UNDERSTAND RISK to 16.7 percent of annual obscures the variation in the data. <br /> revenue Variation is a source of uncertainty, <br /> The way to decide the appropriate and understanding uncertainty is key <br /> amount for your local government is to understanding risk. <br /> to better understand your risks. Risk <br /> can be defined as the probability and magnitude of a loss, An old statistics joke illuminates the <br /> disaster,or other undesirable event.'To understand risks,you Potential of this "flaw of averages"'to mislead: "[n a room of <br /> need to quantify them. Peter Bernstein, author of Against the ten people, if one of those people is Bill Gates, the average <br /> Cods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, makes a good case for Person is a millionaire." It is technically true that adding up <br /> why we need to quantify risk: the wealth of all ten people and dividing the resulting figure <br /> by ten would yield an amount of more than $1 million, and <br /> "Without numbers, there are no odds and no probabilities; that is not a good description of the actual distribution of <br /> without odds and probabilities, the only way to deal wealth. Similarly, the "average" earthquake, flood, or wild- <br /> with risk is to appeal to the gods and the fates. Without fire doesn't describe the distribution of risk well because it <br /> numbers, risk is wholly a matter of gut." obscures the more extreme occurrences of these events — <br /> Most human beings are terrible judges of odds and prob- and the more extreme events,of course,are of great concern <br /> abilities, making gut feelings a terrible way to judge risk. For to a local government. <br /> example, researchers have found that people are generally <br /> overconfident in their ability to predict the future.This leads TRIPLE-A <br /> us to underestimate the range of possibilities we face. In How can a local government go about getting a better <br /> fact, research has shown that human judgment generates a understanding of the risk it carries and the size of reserve it <br /> 50 percent smaller range of possibilities, compared to the should have? In its work with local governments, GFOA uses <br /> June 2019 1 Government Finance Review I I <br />