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SERVICES AGREEMENT <br /> Professional Energy Consulting Services <br /> This Services Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into and effective on this 20`x' day of <br /> August, 2012 ("Effective Date") by and between the City of Decatur, Illinois ("Municipality"), an Illinois <br /> Municipal Corporation, with offices located at#1 Gary K Anderson Plaza, Decatur IL 62523, and Good <br /> Energy, L.P ("Service Provider"), with an office and principal place of business located at 232 Madison <br /> Avenue, Suite 405, New York,NY 10016. <br /> Recitals <br /> WHEREAS, Municipality desires to engage Service Provider to perform electricity consultancy <br /> services and procurement for Municipality in relation to a program for the aggregation of residential and <br /> small commercial electric accounts on an opt-out basis (the "Program") in accordance and compliance <br /> with Section 92 of the Illinois Power Agency Act,20 ILCS 3855/1-92 (the "Act"). <br /> WHEREAS, Services Provider desires to perform the Services as hereinafter defined and desires <br /> to be so engaged. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the covenants and agreements <br /> herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is <br /> hereby acknowledged and approved,the parties, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows: <br /> Provisions <br /> I. Performance of the Services. Provider shall perform each of the following activities <br /> (collectively, the "Services") in a manner consistent with the best practices established for <br /> electrical aggregation program consulting services: <br /> A. Provide the following services: <br /> 1. Electricity Residential and Small Commercial opt-out consulting services, <br /> including, but not limited to,preparation and management of opt-out notices, <br /> scrubbing of eligibility customer lists, and supervision of all other notices and <br /> publications required under the Act to facilitate the adoption and operation of the <br /> Program <br /> 2. Implement comprehensive marketing services for an opt-out electricity <br /> aggregation program, all at Service Providers sole expense, including the <br /> following: <br /> • USPS mail campaigns, <br /> • Local radio/TV spots, web-based infomercials, <br /> • Cable access programming, <br /> • Newspaper interviews and advertising, <br /> • Municipal newsletters, <br /> • Public hearings, <br /> • Community meetings, both government and organization-hosted, i.e., <br /> Chambers of Commerce,Rotary Clubs, churches, environmental groups, <br /> etc., <br />