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CONFIDENTIAL <br /> exclusive of Costs, resulting from termination of this economic hardship nor economic conditions will constitute a <br /> Agreement. The settlement amount will be due within five(5) Force Majeure under this Agreement. In the event of a Force <br /> business days after the non-defaulting party has notified the Majeure, Customer shall continue to be obligated to make <br /> defaulting party of the settlement amount. The non-defaulting payments for all gas supply and related services delivered to and <br /> party is obligated to respond and act in a commercially consumed at its properties. <br /> reasonable manner and mitigate its damages, liabilities, Losses WARRANTIES. MIDAMERICAN WARRANTS ONLY <br /> and Costs. THAT IT HAS THE RIGHT TO SELL ENERGY SERVICES <br /> FAILURE OF DELIVERY. MidAmerican will not be liable AND THAT SUCH ENERGY SERVICES ARE FREE FROM <br /> for any injury, loss,claim, expense, liability or damage resulting ALL LIENS OF ANY KIND. MIDAMERICAN DISCLAIMS <br /> from failure by the Delivery Company, or interstate pipeline to ANY OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING <br /> provide transportation services or properly perform and/or ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR <br /> timely process any Customer enrollments or transportation FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. <br /> requests. MidAmerican is not responsible for Costs or penalties FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Each party agrees to <br /> resulting from failure to deliver by the interstate pipeline or <br /> Delivery Company. provide financial information reasonably requested by the other <br /> party to facilitate credit review. Each party certifies that all <br /> NO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. In no event will either information provided to the other party is truthful and accurate <br /> party be liable to the other party or to any third-party, for any and all information obtained from the other party will be kept <br /> special, incidental, indirect, consequential, punitive or confidential. <br /> exemplary damages or for any damages of a similar nature ASSIGNMENT. Neither party may assign this Agreement <br /> arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. <br /> without the prior written authorization of the other party, which <br /> INDEMNIFICATION AND FORCE MAJEURE. consent will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or <br /> Each party agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the delayed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may assign <br /> other party harmless from and against all third-party claims for this Agreement to the resulting entity of a corporate restructuring <br /> damages, liability and expenses relating to or arising out of or other successor in interest and shall provide immediate notice <br /> damage to property or injury to persons (including death) of such assignment. <br /> resulting from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of a party <br /> or its agents. If the parties are held jointly and severably liable CONFIDENTIALITY. This Agreement and its terms are <br /> for any claim, damage, liability or expense of any third-party, a confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third party except <br /> right of contribution will exist between the parties. as required by law. MidAmerican acknowledges and recognizes <br /> If either party is unable, wholly or in part, by Force that the Customer is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of <br /> Majeure(as defined below)to carry out its obligations under this Information Act and consents to the Customer complying with <br /> Agreement, and upon such party's giving written notice and full said Act. <br /> particulars of such Force Majeure to the other party as soon as SEVERABILITY. If any provision(s) of this Agreement is <br /> practicable after the occurrence of the cause, the obligations of held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable the remaining <br /> the party giving notice, so far as its obligations are affected by provisions will remain in full force and effect. <br /> the Force Majeure, will be suspended during the continuance of <br /> NON-WAIVER. Either s failure at any time to require <br /> the Force Majeure. Each party shall seek to remedy the Force PAY Y q <br /> Majeure with all reasonable dispatch. If a Force Majeure lasts strict performance by the other party of any provision of this <br /> for fifteen (15) continuous days, the party not subject to the Agreement will not waive a party's right to demand strict <br /> Force Majeure has the option of terminating any affected compliance at any other time. <br /> Schedules at any time during the continuance of such Force <br /> RECORDED CONVERSATIONS. Phone conversations <br /> Majeure. In the event of termination each party shall be entitled <br /> to calculate a settlement amount equal to its total Losses and between employees and/or authorized agents of the parties may be <br /> Costs, if any,resulting from termination of the affected Schedules recorded on tape or other electronic media to verify customer <br /> and such amount shall be due from the other party within five(5) service quality and pricing terms. Unless a party expressly objects <br /> business days after the other party has been notified of the to these recordings at the time of the recording, these recordings <br /> settlement amount. may be used as evidence in any proceeding or action relating to <br /> Force Majeure means any cause(s) not reasonably this Agreement. <br /> within the control, and without fault or negligence, of the party TRANSACTIONS. The parties agree that MidAmerican will <br /> affected thereby and which by the exercise of reasonable due confirm a transaction by sending a revised Schedule B by <br /> diligence by the affected party could not have been prevented, electronic mail or facsimile to Customer. Customer shall <br /> including without limitation, acts of God, civil disturbances, <br /> respond, within three (3)business days of receipt of the revised <br /> labor strike, interruptions caused by governmental or court <br /> orders, inability of the Delivery Company to provide Schedule E. The failure of the Customer to confirm the <br /> transaction to MidAmerican by the above deadline constitutes <br /> transportation services, inability of MidAmerican's transporter Customer's agreement to the terms of the transaction. <br /> or supplier to provide natural gas or the curtailment of <br /> transportation service or the breakage, accident or failure of <br /> interstate pipeline or Delivery Company facilities. Neither <br /> ID: 524551 2 of 3 Contract Number.V?s 7073 <br /> RNGSAIE 6/21/2012—CUSTOM BILL&CONFIDENTIALITY 07-16-2012 ckw <br />