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C. The Village shall reimburse the City annually for their pro rata share of <br /> the maintenance agreement costs of OSSI in the amount of 2.23% of at the total <br /> annual maintenance costs. <br /> Q. The County and the Village shall reimburse the maintenance costs to <br /> the City on or before April 15, 2012 and a like amount on April 15 of each year <br /> thereafter and without further notice or request for said reimbursement from the <br /> City. <br /> SECTION 4: TERM OF AGREEMENT <br /> A. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date the parties sign and <br /> execute it. <br /> B. This Agreement shall be in effect for the time period that OSSI is utilized <br /> by the City in the Center. <br /> C. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, this Agreement may be <br /> terminated by any party upon giving the other parties ninety (90) days written <br /> notice of its intention and desire to terminate the same. <br /> SECTION 5: ASSIGNMENT <br /> The parties agree that they may not and will not assign their interests or <br /> responsibilities under this Agreement without the express written consent of the <br /> other parties. <br /> SECTION 6: MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br /> A. Modifications to this Agreement shall be made in writing upon <br /> agreement of the parties. <br /> B. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be void or unenforceable <br /> for any reason by any court or other body of competent jurisdiction, the remaining <br /> provisions hereof shall be unaffected by such decision or decisions and shall <br /> remain in full force and effect. <br /> C. All previous Intergovernmental Agreements heretofore entered into by <br /> the City and/or the County and/or the Village and not in conflict with this instant <br /> Agreement are not, by this Agreement, hereby impaired or limited in any <br /> manner, and said previous Intergovernmental Agreements or amendments to <br /> such Agreements remain in full force and effect. <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br />