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C. ESTIMATES OF COST(COST OPINION). Since the Consulting Engineer has no control over the <br /> cost of labor and materials, or over competitive bidding and market conditions, estimates of <br /> construction cost provided are to be made on the basis of the Consulting Engineer's experience and <br /> qualifications, but the Consulting Engineer does not guarantee the accuracy of such estimates as <br /> compared to the Contractor's bids or the Project construction cost. <br /> D. INSURANCE. <br /> 1. Requirement. During the term of this Agreement, at its own cost and expense, the Consulting <br /> Engineer shall maintain in full force and effect insurance policies as enumerated below. <br /> 2. Policy Form. All policies save for the professional liability shall be written on an occurrence <br /> basis. Professional liability insurance can be either claims made or occurrence basis policies. <br /> 3. Additional Insured. The City of Decatur and its officers and employees shall be named as <br /> additional insured parties on the general liability policy and included as additional insured parties <br /> on the automobile liability policy. The City's interests as additional insured parties shall be on a <br /> primary and non-contributory basis on all policies and noted as such on the insurance certificates. <br /> 4. Qualification of Insurers. All policies will be written with insurance carriers qualified to do <br /> business in the State of Illinois rated A-VIII or better in the latest Best's Key Rating Guide. <br /> 5. Form of Policy. All policies shall be written on the most current Insurance Service Office(ISO) <br /> or National Council on Compensation Insurance(NCCI) form or a manuscript form if coverage is <br /> broader than the ISO or NCCI form. <br /> 6. Time of Submission: Certificate of Insurance. At or before the time of execution of this <br /> agreement and prior to commencing any work activity on the project, the Consulting Engineer <br /> shall provide the City's Representative with certificates of insurance showing evidence the <br /> insurance policies noted below are in full force and effect and giving the City's Representative at <br /> least 30 days written notice prior to any change, cancellation, or non-renewal except in the case of <br /> cancellation for non-payment of premium, in which case notice shall be 10 days. The certificates <br /> shall be attached hereto as Exhibit E. The Consulting Engineer shall provide any renewal <br /> certificates of insurance automatically to the City's Representative at least 30 days prior to policy <br /> expiration. The certificate must certify the following: <br /> a. Name and address of party insured. <br /> b. Name(s)of insurance company or companies. <br /> C. Name and-address of authorized agent executing such certificate. <br /> d. Description of type of insurance and coverage afforded thereunder. <br /> e. Insurance policy numbers. <br /> f. Limits of liability of such policies and date of expiration of policies. <br /> g. To the extent the same is available, insurance company or companies shall further certify that <br /> said policies shall not be modified, cancelled or terminated until after no less than thirty(30) <br /> days written notice to the City's Representative. <br /> 7. Types and Limits of Insurance. The Consulting Engineer shall provide the following: <br /> a. Workers'Compensation: <br />