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MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT <br /> MIS DIVISION <br /> Memorandum No. 2012-04 <br /> April 2, 2012 <br /> MEMO TO: Honorable Mayor McElroy and City Council <br /> FROM: Ryan P. McCrady, City Manager <br /> Gerard J. Bauer, Assistant City Manager for Administration <br /> Randy G. Aldrich, Manager, MIS Division <br /> SUBJECT: Annual Maintenance Renewal for CISCO SmartNet <br /> SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that City Council approve the attached <br /> resolution, authorizing the renewal of the CISCO SmartNet Annual Maintenance Agreement <br /> with Sentinel Technologies, Inc. <br /> BACKGROUND: The City has standardized on CISCO network hardware and software to <br /> provide the intra-building Local Area Network (LAN) connectivity between the end-user desktop <br /> PCs and servers, the external Wide Area Network (WAN) connectivity between City locations, <br /> and the firewall for the City's Intranet connections. Renewal of the maintenance entitles the City <br /> to receive hardware replacement for failed CISCO equipment, around-the-clock technical <br /> support service from CISCO's engineers, and receive ongoing operating system software <br /> updates. Maintaining this contract is critical for the integrity of the LAN/WAN security. <br /> Staff recommends acceptance of the low bid proposal from Sentinel Technologies, Inc. for <br /> $11,271. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTIONS: None anticipated. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: None. <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: Gerard J. Bauer, Management Services Director (424-2801); Randy G. <br /> Aldrich, Manager, MIS Division 450-2239. <br /> BUDGET/TIME IMPLICATIONS: The $11,271.00 will be paid from the MIS Operating Fund, <br /> reimbursed on a pro rata basis from other funds, and is provided for in the approved FY 2011- <br /> 2012 budget. <br /> Attachments (2) <br />