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ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION <br /> TRANSPORTATION DIVISION / RAIL SAFETY SECTION <br /> PROJECT STATUS REPORT: <br /> TYPE: (CHECK ONE) <br /> PROGRESS <br /> COMPLETION I I DATE <br /> PROJECT INFORMATION: <br /> Reporting Party: Norfolk Southern Railway Company <br /> Docket/Order#; Date: <br /> Status Reports Due: 6 Months from Order Date <br /> Ordered Completion Date: 12 Months from Order Date <br /> Completion Report Due': Within 10 days of Completion Date <br /> AAR/DOT#, Milepost: AAR/DOT#328 512C, railroad milepost IT-44.20 <br /> Street, in/near City, County: Faries Parkway, Decatur, Macon Co. <br /> Railroad Company: Norfolk Southern Railway Company <br /> Completion reports involving changes to the railroad crossing must include an updated USDOT Inventory Form. <br /> PROJECT MANAGER INFORMATION 2: <br /> Name: Dennis Keith <br /> Title: Production and Material Control <br /> Representing: Norfolk Southern <br /> Street Address: 99 Spring Street, Box 123 <br /> City, State, Zip: Atlanta, GA 30303 <br /> Office Phone: 404 529-1009 <br /> Office Fax: 404 527-1174 <br /> Cellular Phone: <br /> E-Mail Address: <br /> Project Manager Information to be submitted by NS and the City of Decatur. <br /> DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT(S) ORDERED: <br /> (a) Install automatic flashing light signals and gates with a bell, controlled by <br /> constant warning time circuitry, and equipped with an event recorder and <br /> capable of remote monitoring system when available. <br /> STATUS OF WORK: (use additional blank sheet, if necessary) <br /> STIPULATED AGREEMENT 1647 <br /> EXHIBIT E Page 1 <br />