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such legal services as the City's Representative may require or the Consulting Engineer may <br /> reasonably request with regard to legal issues pertaining to the Project including any that may be <br /> raised by the Contractor(s), such auditing service as the City's Representative may require to <br /> ascertain how or for what purpose any Contractor has used the moneys paid to him under the <br /> construction contract,and such inspection services as the City's Representative may require to <br /> ascertain that the Contractor(s)are complying with any law, rule or regulation applicable to their <br /> performance of the work except as otherwise provided in Section II. <br /> I. NOTIFY THE CONSULTING ENGINEER OF DEFECTS OR DEVELOPMENT. Give <br /> prompt written notice to the Consulting Engineer whenever the City's Representative observes or <br /> otherwise becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of the Consulting <br /> Engineer's services, or any defect in the work of the Contractor(s). <br /> SECTION IV. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS <br /> A. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. The City and the Consulting Engineer each binds their respective <br /> partners, successors,executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to <br /> the partners,successors, executors, administrators, and assigns of such other party,in respect to all <br /> covenants of this Agreement;except as below,neither the City nor the Consulting engineer shall <br /> assign,sublet,or transfer their respective interests in this Agreements without the written consent of <br /> the other.Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any <br /> officer or agent of any public body which may be a party hereto,nor shall it be construed as giving <br /> any rights or benefits hereunder to anyone other than the City and the Consulting Engineer. <br /> B. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. All drawings, specifications,reports,records,and other work <br /> product developed by the Consulting Engineer in connection with this Project are public documents <br /> and shall remain the property of the City whether the Project is completed or not. Reuse of any of <br /> the work product of the Consulting Engineer by the City on extensions of this Project or any other <br /> project without written permission of the Consulting Engineer shall be at the City's risk and the City <br /> agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Consulting Engineer from all damages and costs <br /> including attorney fees arising out of such reuse by the City or others acting through the City. <br /> C. ESTIMATES OF COST(COST OPINION). Since the Consulting Engineer has no control over the <br /> cost of labor and materials,or over competitive bidding and market conditions,estimates of <br /> construction cost provided are to be made on the basis of the Consulting Engineer's experience and <br /> qualifications,but the Consulting Engineer does not guarantee the accuracy of such estimates as <br /> compared to the Contractor's bids or the Project construction cost. <br /> D. INSURANCE. <br /> 1. Requirement. During the term of this Agreement, at its own cost and expense,the Consulting <br /> Engineer shall maintain in full force and effect insurance policies as enumerated below. <br /> 2. Policy Form. All policies save for the professional liability shall be written on an occurrence <br /> basis. Professional liability insurance can be either claims made or occurrence basis policies. <br /> 3. Additional Insured. The City of Decatur and its officers and employees shall be named as <br /> additional insured parties on the general liability policy and included as additional insured parties <br /> on the automobile liability policy. The City's interests as additional insured parties shall be on a <br /> primary and non-contributory basis on all policies and noted as such on the insurance certificates. <br /> 4. Qualification of Insurers. All policies will be written with insurance carriers qualified to do <br /> business in the State of Illinois rated A-VIII or better in the latest Best's Key Rating Guide. <br />