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have now been increased to 6 month intervals. Since the damaged beams are not in the wheel path, <br /> the bridge is safe for normal traffic; however, the bridge needs to be replaced in the near term <br /> before the damage progresses and more strict traffic restrictions are imposed. <br /> $1.04 million in Federal Surface Transportation Program—Urban (STU) funding is currently <br /> allocated to fund a portion of the bridge replacement cost. Current preliminary estimates place the <br /> bridge and roadway replacement cost approaching $2 million and the cost to raise the Sanitary <br /> District interceptor at $550,000. Additional STU funding is being requested and the District has <br /> indicated a willingness to cover the interceptor costs. <br /> A public meeting was held on Apri128, 2010, to present the preliminary design and receive public <br /> input. Area residents voiced concern regarding the limited clearance for boats under the bridge and <br /> requested that the bridge be raised to provide more clearance. The City Council, in a study session <br /> held on September 20, 2010, recommended that the City look at options to raise the bridge. <br /> The proposed agreement with URS is a supplement to the original preliminary design services work <br /> completed earlier in the year. The supplemental work to increase the bridge clearance includes: <br /> 1. Perform additional survey work necessary to increase the structure height. <br /> 2. Evaluate the changes in the structure and approach roadways to accommodate the proposed <br /> height change. <br /> 3. Evaluate the impacts of raising the area sewers, including the Sanitary District interceptor to <br /> accommodate the proposed height change (much of this work will be reimbursed by the <br /> Sanitary District). <br /> 4. Conduct a public meeting to discuss the proposal to raising the bridge. <br /> 5. Perform IDOT mandated bridge inspections at 6 month intervals until the bridge is replaced <br /> in 2012. <br /> The Sanitary District of Decatur maintains a 30" sanitary sewer interceptor which currently rests on <br /> the bridge abutments. The interceptor must be raised at the same time as the bridge structure in <br /> order to provide the recommended clearance. The District has agreed to reimburse the City for the <br /> costs associated with the design and construction required to accommodate the interceptor. The <br /> interceptor related costs are $16,300. <br /> The expenditure for Supplement#1 is not to exceed $57,200 which is'added to the original $77,500 <br /> preliminary design agreement cost for a total contract amount of$134,700. The Sanitary District <br /> has agreed to reimburse preliminary design costs up to $16,300 related to raising the District <br /> interceptor. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTION: There are no known objections to this resolution. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: URS Corporation, Sanitary District of Decatur <br />' STAFF REFERENCE: Richard G. Marley, Public Works Director, Matthew C. Newell; City <br /> Engineer. Richard Marley will be in attendance at the City Council meeting to answer any <br /> questions of the Council on this item. <br /> Page � 2 <br />