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� . , � , <br /> ' � 1863�8V <br /> M�con Co. Illinoi� <br /> S.S. by Mary A, �efon, R�cord�r <br /> QU IT C LAI M D E E D Book: 4335 Page: 509 <br /> Roeoipf �: 68673 R�eordinp F�r 130.00 <br /> Pegoa R�cord�d: 2 Authoriz�d By � <br /> Dat e Recorded: 10/16/2013 9:03:17 AM <br /> ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ <br /> STATUTORY <br /> DOCUMENT NO. <br /> Mail Tax Bill To: <br /> City of Decatur <br /> Development Services Development <br /> #1 Gary K. Anderson Plaza <br /> Decatur, IL 62523 <br /> THE GRANTOR, Nick G. Striglos, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars <br /> ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, conveys to the CITY <br /> OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS, a municipal corporation, the following described real estate, <br /> to-wit: <br /> A part of Lot Three (3) in Block Two (2) in Cowan & Hostetler's Addition to <br /> the City of Decatur as per plat recorded in Book A, Page 201 of the <br /> records in the Recorder's Office of Macon County, Illinois, said part more <br /> particularly described as follows: <br /> Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot Four (4) in Block Two (2) of <br /> Central Addition to the City of Decatur as per plat recorded in Book N, <br /> Page 304 of the records in the Recorder's Office of Macon County, Illinois; <br /> thence N 00°51'51" W (Assumed Bearing) along the East line of said Lot 4 <br /> in Block 2 of Central Addition and the East line of said Lot Three (3) in <br /> Block Two (2) in Cowan & Hostetler's Addition, 154.50 feet to the point of <br /> beginning, said point also being 7.5 feet South of the Northeast corner of <br /> said Lot 3 in Block 2 in Cowan & Hostetler's Addition; thence S 00°51'51" <br /> East along the said East line of Lot 3 in Block 2 in Cowan & Hostetler's <br /> Addition, 28.33 feet; thence S 89°08'09" W, 63.31 feet; thence N <br /> 00°51'51" W, 28.33 feet; thence N 89°08'09" E, 63.31 feet to the point of <br /> beginning. Situated in Macon County, Illinois. <br />