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� . - <br /> � . <br /> ILLINOIS STATUTORY SHORT FORM <br /> POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR PROPERTY <br /> 1. I, NICK G. STRIGLOS, of Decatur, Illinois, hereby revoke all prior powers of <br /> attorney for property executed by me and appoint my son, SCOTT G. STRIGLOS, as my <br /> attorney-in-fact (my "agent") to act for me and in my name (in any way I could act in person) <br /> with respect to the following powers, as defined in Section 3-4 of the "5tatutory Short Form <br /> Power of Attorney for Property Law" (including all amendments), but subject to any limitations <br /> on or additions to the specified powers inserted in paragraph 2 or 3 below: <br /> (NOTE: YOU MUST STRIKE OUT ANY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING <br /> CATEGORIES OF POWERS YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR AGENT TO HAVE. <br /> FAILURE TO STRIKE THE TITLE OF ANY CATEGORY WILL CAUSE THE <br /> POWERS DESCRIBED IN THAT CATEGORY TO BE GRANTED TO THE AGENT. <br /> TO STRIKE OUT A CATEGORY YOU MUST DRAW A LINE THROUGH THE TITLE <br /> OF THAT CATEGORY.) � <br /> (a) Real estate transactions. <br /> (b) Financial institution transactions. <br /> (c) Stock and bond transactions. <br /> (d) Tangible personal property transactions. , - <br /> (e) Safe deposit box transactions. <br /> (fl Insurance and annuity transactions. <br /> (g) Retirement plan transactions. <br /> (h) Social Security, employment and military service benefits. <br /> (i) Tax matters. <br /> (j) Claims and litigation. • <br /> (k) Commodity and option transactions. <br /> (1) Business operations. <br /> (m) Borrowing transactions. <br /> (n) Estate transactions. <br /> (o) All�other property transactions. . <br /> (NOTE: LIMITATIONS ON AND ADD�TIONS TO THE AGENT'S POWERS MAY BE <br /> INCLUDED IN THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IF THEY ARE SPECIFICALLY <br /> DESCRIBED BELOW.) � ' <br /> 2. The powers granted above shall not include the following powers or shall be . <br /> modified or limited in the following particulars: <br /> (NOTE: HERE YOU MAY INCLUDE ANY SPECIFIC LIMITATIONS YOU DEEM <br /> APPROPRIATE, SUCH AS A PROHIBITION OR CONDITIONS ON THE SALE OF <br /> PARTICULAR STOCK OR REAL ESTATE OR SPECIAL RULES ON BORROWING <br /> BY THE AGENT.) <br />