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21. City shall be under no obligation to reimburse Owners for any physical work to <br /> the building done prior to City's authorization. <br /> 22. Competitive bids for all rehabilitation work contemplated under this <br /> Agreement shall be sought, and Owners, or Owners' General Contractor shall <br /> make every reasonable effort to obtain at least two (2) itemized bids for all <br /> such work. <br /> 23.Owners or Owners' General Contractor shall comply with all applicable wage <br /> provisions, including but not limited to the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a- <br /> 27a-5) which includes review of payroll and wage documents for compliance, <br /> and shall make reasonable efforts to secure bids from women and minority <br /> contractors. <br /> 24.Owners and Owners' General Contractor shall comply with applicable federal <br /> procurement requirements, and follow Section 3 practices. <br /> 25. City shall review bid specifications and submitted bids, to verify adequate <br /> competitive bid process prior to Owners or Owners' General Contractor <br /> awarding any contract for work to be performed under this Agreement. <br /> 26. Owners shall make no changes to any bid specifications submitted for City <br /> review and approval,without the prior written approval of the City. <br /> 27. Owners shall maintain the premises in a safe and sanitary condition. The <br /> premises shall at all times be maintained in compliance with all applicable City <br /> of Decatur Building, Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical Codes. Owners <br /> further agree to observe and comply with all rules, regulations, statutes, <br /> ordinances and laws, now in force or which may be enacted during the term of <br /> this Contract by any municipality, county, state or federal authorities having <br /> jurisdiction over the premises. Owners shall schedule, and City shall conduct <br /> an annual inspection of the premises over a period of Ten (10) years to <br /> determine compliance with the terms of this Agreement. <br /> 28. Owners shall not use any funds provided under this Agreement for religious <br /> activities, to promote religious interests, or for the benefit of a religious <br /> organization in accordance with the federal regulations. <br /> 29. Owners shall make their files and records available for inspection by an <br /> authorized representative of City. Owners' obligation is further described in <br /> 24 CFR 92.504 C. <br /> 30.Owners shall comply with all Federal laws and regulations regarding the <br /> Fa�ade Program, and with all policies and procedures established by the City <br /> necessary to administer and monitor the Fa�ade Program. <br /> 31. City may terminate this Agreement for any of the following reasons effective <br /> immediately without advance notice: <br /> a) Owners have furnished any statement, representation or certification in <br /> connection with this Agreement which is materially false, deceptive, <br /> incorrect or incomplete; <br /> b) City determines that the actions or failure to act,by Owners,their agents, <br /> employees or subcontractors have caused, or reasonably could cause <br /> jeopardy to health or safety. <br /> 4 <br />