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,= <br /> 8 TERMINATION arise during this project,the CLIENT and MMA <br /> agree that any disputes between them arising from <br /> This agreement may be terminated by or relating to the Agreement or this Project shall <br /> either party with seven days written notice in the first be negotiated between the parties. If <br /> event of a good cause such as lack of funding, unsuccessful, the dispute shall be submitted to <br /> major changes in the scope of work or failure of non-binding mediation. Mediation fees shall be <br /> either party to perform in accordance with the shared equally. <br /> terms of the agreement. If terminated, CLIENT <br /> agrees to pay Consultant for all contractual 13 STATUTES OF REPOSE <br /> services rendered and reimbursable expenses <br /> incuned to the date of termination. If terminated, Legal actions by either party against the <br /> Consultant shall have no liability as a result of other arising from or in any way connected to this <br /> termination. Agreement or its services shall be barred and <br /> under no circumstance initiated by either party <br /> 9 MODIFICATION after one (1) year from the date of Substantial <br /> Completion, unless the Agreement is ternunated <br /> Either CLIENT or MMA may request a earlier, in which case the date of termination of <br /> modification or change in scope to be performed this Agreement shall be the date on which such <br /> hereunder. Such changes,including any increase period shall commence. <br /> or decrease in compensation to MMA to which <br /> CLIENT and MMA mutually agree shall be 14 ESTIMATES OF PROBABLE <br /> incorporated in this Agreement by a written CONSTRUCTION COST <br /> amendment to the Agreement. <br /> Estimates of probable construction cost <br /> 10 INDEMNIFICATION provided under this Agreement are based on <br /> MMA's professional judgement and experience. <br /> MMA agrees to indemnify and hold Because MMA has no control over the cost or <br /> harmless the CLIENT,its officers,directors,and availability of labor, equipment or materials or <br /> employees against all damages,liabilities or costs over market conditions or Contractors'methods of <br /> including reasonable attorney's fees and defense pricing, MMA makes no warranty that bids or <br /> costs, to the extent caused the MMA negligent negotiated costs of the Work will not vary from <br /> performance of professional services under this the estimate of probably cost. <br /> agreement and that of its subconsultants or anyone <br /> for whom the Consultant is legally liable. 15 PERMITS AND APPROVALS <br /> The CLIENT agrees to indemnify and <br /> hold harmless MMA, its officers, directors, and MMA will assist client in applying for <br /> employees against all damages,liabilities or costs permits and approvals required by law. <br /> including reasonable attorney's fees and defense Assistance shall consist of completing and <br /> costs, to the extent caused the CLIENT'S submitting forms to the appropriate regulatory <br /> negligent acts,in connection with the project,and agencies. <br /> the acts of its contractors, subcontractors or <br /> consultants or anyone for whom the CLIENT is 16 UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS <br /> legally liable. <br /> CLIENT will furnish MMA information <br /> 11 INSURANCE identifying the type and location of existing <br /> underground improvements on and near the site. <br /> MMA carries the following insurance MMA is entitled to rely upon the accuracy and <br /> coverage and will provide a certificate to CLIENT completeness of the any proposed changes to the <br /> documenting such coverage. improvements and ground penetrations required <br /> for the proj ect. CLIENT shall review and approve <br /> General Liability $1 m. per occurrence/ plans. CLIENT shall indemnify and hold <br /> aggregate harmless MMA from all claims, damages,losses <br /> Automotive $500 k.per occurance and expenses including court costs and attorney's <br /> $1 m. aggregate fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. <br /> Umbrella Coverage $2 m. aggregate <br /> Workers Compensation as statutorily required 17 H A Z A R D O U S O R T O X I C <br /> Professional Liability $1 m. aggregate MATERIALS <br /> 12 DISPUTE RESOLUTION This Agreement does not include services <br /> related to the presence of hazardous or toxic <br /> In an effort to resolve any conflicts that materials. Should the presence of hazardous or <br /> 2 <br />