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. t' �i �7 � �3 <br /> Decatur Sustainable Neighborhoods Initiative <br /> Revised Scope of Services <br /> Task 1: Developing Criteria and Selection Process (December) <br /> Teska will refine criteria for selection of a target neighborhood. Initial criteria include: <br /> 1) Built-up urban neighborhood <br /> 2)Active residents and neighborhood association <br /> 3) Local organizations, churches, schools that may want to participate <br /> 4) Environmental assets and issues that can form basis for action, including possible flooding <br /> issues, opportunities for open space and/or commuity gardening, opportunities for innnovative <br /> water demonstrations such as rain gardens, disconnecting gutters from storm sewers, rain <br /> barrels, etc. <br /> 5) Eligible for CDBG,TIF or other revenue sources <br /> 6) Opportunity for weatherization, energy assessments, energy audits <br /> 7) Bus route, bike routes existing or planned in area <br /> Teska will design a selection process that will include: <br /> - Refined criteria <br /> - Metrics <br /> -Questions for the Neighborhood to Address <br /> - Requirement s for application <br /> - Identification of community assets <br /> - Roles for local organizations in execution of the neighborhood plan <br /> - Identification of local resources (volunteers, existing programs, matching grants, etc.) <br /> CONO will identify a list of neighborhood organizations throughout the City of Decatur for use <br /> in the outreach process. CONO will develop an outreach letter and invite at least 50 <br /> neighborhood leaders to the workshop in Task 2. <br /> In addition,Teska will work with the City and CONO to write a preliminary grant request letter <br /> to private foundations. <br /> i <br />