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. i <br /> , , ` ' <br />', RF.SOLUTION NO. R2010-219 <br /> KESOLU'I'ION AMI�',NDING LEASE AGREEMENT , <br /> - DECA"I'UR PUBLIC Bt1ILDIN(� COMMISSION - �I <br /> 131: I"I' RF,SOLVED, BY "T��F�, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DECATUR, <br /> II,I.1NOIS: <br /> ti�ction l. "l�hat the �lmendment to the Lease Agreement presented to the Council <br /> hei�e�n ith bctwcen the ('ity oi� I)rcatur and the Decatur Public Building Commission regarding <br /> the lea�c uf� a portion of the l,aw l�:nt��rcement Center, 333 South }�ranklin Street, Decatur, <br /> Illinois, be, and the same is hereby, received, placed on file and approved. <br /> Section 2. "1'hat thc Mayor and City Clerk be, and they are hereby, authorized an� <br /> dirccted to sign, seal and attcst said Leasc on behalf of the City. <br /> PfZf?SI;NTED AND �1llUP'1'f:l) this 1 S`h day of November, 2010. <br /> + f( <br /> ._ � <br /> ; <br /> - C� A� 'I'. (' :L Z , M R <br /> A"I�I�I;S l : <br /> e <br /> � �_ �� <br /> CI IY CI,I�,RK <br />