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� � <br /> Mass Transit Memorandum <br /> No. 110810-1 <br /> November 8,2010 <br /> TO: Honorable Mayor McElroy and City Council Members <br /> FROM: Ryan McCrady, City Manager <br /> Paul McChancy, Mass Transit Administrator <br /> SUBJECT: Federal Transit Administration(FTA) Operating Assistance Grant <br /> SUMMARY Staff recommends that Council approve a Resolution to authorize <br /> RECOMMENDATION: the filing of an application and the execution of a grant for Federal ', <br /> Transit Administration (FTA) operating assistance for the first and <br /> second quarters of FY-2011 (July 1 through December 31, 2010) � <br /> in the amount of$447,629. <br /> BACKGROUND: Every year the Federal Transit Administration(FTA) apportions ' <br /> grant funds to each metropolitan transit system for operating �� <br /> assistance and for capital projects. Decatur currently has a balance �I <br /> of$447,629 remaining from the FY 2010 apportionment. This I <br /> amount had been reserved for possible capital projects,but it was <br /> not used due to the large amount of American Recovery and <br /> Reinvestment Act(ARRA) funds that the Transit System received. <br /> Staff proposes to use this balance to offset part of the Transit <br /> System's operating deficit for the first and second quarters of the <br /> 2011 state fiscal year: July through December, 2010. Additional <br /> federal funds will become available in January, when the FTA <br /> announces the FY 2011 apportionments. <br /> POTENTIAL A public hearing was held to discuss this grant application. No <br /> OBJECTION: negative comments were received. There are no known or <br /> expected objections to this grant application. <br /> INPUT FROM Richard Foiles, General Manager, DPTS <br /> OTHER SOURCES: <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: Paul McChancy, Mass Transit Administrator <br /> BUDGET/TIME The proposed FTA operating assistance grant requires a <br /> IMPLICATIONS: 50/50 match. The local match would be made up of farebox <br /> revenues and state operating funds already awarded to Decatur. <br />