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. � <br /> claiming party shall give notice in writing thereof to the other party, which party shall be given a <br /> reasonable time in light of the nature of the violation claimed to correct the same, which time shall be <br /> not less than ten (10) days from the date of notice; provided, however, that any violation resultant <br /> upon a cause majuer shall not subject either party to liability hereunder. <br /> 13. That the provisions of this Agreement are expressly made subject to the provisions and <br /> covenants of any currently outstanding water revenue bond issues of either party, and the provisions <br /> hereof shall be so construed as to be compatible with and to conform thereto. <br /> 14. Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary set out in this Agreement, the City <br /> may interrupt or discontinue the furnishing of water to the Village if the same jeopardizes the water <br /> supply, or the distribution of water by the City. <br /> 15. In the event that the furnishing of water to the Village is interrupted or interfered with or <br /> infringed upon for whatever reason or by whatever cause, except the active negligence of the agents <br /> or employees of the City, the Village does hereby release, and the Village shall indemnify and hold <br /> harmless, the City from any and all liability or responsibility for the same. <br /> 16. Except to the extent that the context thereof is patently not applicable thereto, or to the <br /> extent the parties hereto have agreed otherwise as set out herein, the provisions of general ordinance <br /> of the City with regard to water service from time to time in force and effect, the same being <br /> currently set out at Chapter 64 of said Code, shall apply during the term of this Agreement, including, <br /> but not limited to,provisions requiring payment of service charges. <br /> 17. During the term of this Agreement, the City shall have the Option of purchasing water <br /> from the Village at a rate no greater than the rate being paid by the Village at the time under this <br /> Agreement and in a quantity mutually agreeable to both parties. <br /> 4 <br />