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� <br /> RESOLUTION NO. R2010-214 <br /> RF:SOLLJTION IN SUPPORT OF <br /> DECATi.IR AREA SUSTAINABILITY PLAN <br /> W�II;REAS, in March 2010 the City Council approved a Professional Services <br /> Agreement with "I'eska �ssociates, lnc. ior the Development of a Decatur Area Sustainability <br /> Ylan; and, <br /> Vb'f[I�.R1;AS, �1'eska Associates. Inc., served as consultant for the development of a <br /> SuStainability �'lan to address land, water, energy, waste, and recycling, and municipal <br /> sustainability; and, <br /> VVf�EREAS, the importance of a Sustainability Plan enables the City to coordinate <br /> effarts, track progress, and focus energics on sustainability issues and will serve as a guidance <br /> document as well as a foundation for the reporting system to the community; and, <br /> WHI:R�:AS. "I�eska Associates, Inc. presented the Sustainable Decatur Plan to Council on <br /> ?�ovemhcr 1, ?O10 which outlined the Plan's goals, objections, and implementation. <br /> '�OV�', flll:IZF.I�ORI:, f31�' I l' RESOLVEI) BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br /> Ol�� 1)l:�'�1"l l IZ. Il.l.l'�UIS: <br /> Sectic�n 1. l'hat the I)eeatur Area Sustainability Plan presented to the City Couneil be, <br /> and the same is hereby, received, placed on iile, and approved. <br /> PIZ��SI:NTFI) ANll AllOY"I'F,I� this 15th day of November, 2010. <br /> A <br /> I <br /> � I <br /> 7 <br /> . <br /> M A ., , . C E OY, <br /> A"I'1' . <br /> , <br /> G2/li!-vJ <br /> -- - -- <br /> ('I1 Y CI,I:RK <br />