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1. Advococy P�ogrom 6. Normon Housing Advocacy 10. Compnehensirr Community <br /> This program provides intensive one-on-one This program provides services to DCFS clients Bosed Youth SeI'v%Ces/CI'isis � <br /> services to youth referred by the Department of who lack adequate housing. A home <br /> Child and Family Services. Some of these interventionist helps families by locating and Intervention II <br /> services include mentoring, role modeling, and securing appropriate housing. In addition to the 24 hour crisis intervention i <br /> social skills building. services that are available to youth and their <br /> 7. fomily Advocote/SARs family, this program provides community-based <br /> 2. Fnmi>y Hvbilitotion Progrom This program provides intensive in-home interventions including:formal assessment, <br /> This program promotes permanency by services for abused and neglected children and counseling, case management,weekly teen <br /> maintaining, strengthening, and safeguarding their families. This 6-9 month contract serves 9roups, and linkages with other services in <br /> the functioning of families. These in-home intact families in order to prevent out-of-home Macon and Piatt Counties. <br /> services work to increase the parent's ability to placements. <br /> provide adequate childcare and to improve 11. Unified Delinquency <br /> parenting skills. This includes helping families Inte�vention Service (UDIS) <br /> during times of crisis. This program works with moderate to high risk <br /> juvenile offenders and is a community-based <br /> 3. Visitotion Progrom �"" '� altemative to the Department of Corrections. <br /> Seivice provided to DCFS clients who are Services include one-on-one advocacy, groups, <br /> working towards reunification with their children `` � case management, linkage services, <br /> who have been removed from the household ��. individual/family counseling, and educational <br /> due to abuse and/or neglect. Services include . consultation. <br /> transportation to and from visitation and ' ,�, <br /> supervision of visitation between family 12. Co111/I1uIl%ty ACCes.s/ReD6p/oy <br /> members. Community based program designed to deliver <br /> intensive in-home services to high-risk juvenile <br /> offenders and their families. Some of these <br /> 8. Bosic Center/Crisis Shelter services include assistance with housing, <br /> Temporary shelter for youth ages 12-17. budgeting, paying bills, housekeeping, etc. <br /> Services offered to homes that are not open Services also include assessment,treatment <br /> DCFS cases but are refative lacements that Including housing and structured programming <br /> p for up to 21 days, intended to begin re-building planning, and family counseling. This program <br /> require intervention to maintain the placement. stabilizes the family in order to reduce the <br /> These services include assistance with court family connections to avoid future runaways, number of commitments to the Department of <br /> proceedings, purchase of supplies or necessities lock-outs, or youth homelessness. Corrections. <br /> for children, and referral linkages. <br /> �. <br /> 13. Scrfety NetWorks <br /> 5. Youth in Tronsition Progrom Short-term in-home interventions for youth ages <br /> Case management program designed for Twenty-four hour services offered to youth who 6-17. Services will address family problems that <br /> adolescents who are at risk of becoming are runaway, locked-out, or considered beyond have destabilized the household due to youth's <br /> homeless upon emancipation from.the control within their household. Referrals are illegal behavior and police contact. Special <br /> Department of Children and Family Services. made through the Police Departments, local emphasis is placed on youth living in the target <br /> These services include: assistance with locating County Sheriff's Departments, and schools. geographical location and residing with relatives <br /> housing, employment, and other items or non-parent caregivers. <br /> necessary to sustain independence within the <br /> " community. <br />