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-� <br /> HOME PROGRAM FY 2010 <br /> COMMUNITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION (CHDO) <br /> OPERATING AGREEMENT <br /> THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on the 21st day of June, 2010 by and between the City of Decatur, Illinois, hereinafter <br /> called the"City", and the Near West Side Restoration & Preservation Societv, organized under the laws of the State of <br /> Illinois, hereinafter called "NWRAPS". <br /> WHEREAS, the City has entered into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, <br /> hereinafter called "HUD", for the purpose of conducting a HOME Program; and whereas the City has received a special <br /> allocation from HUD for housing to be developed or owned by a Community Housing Development Organization, <br /> hereinafter called "CHDO", for the purpose of providing single-family homeownership opportunities for low to moderate <br /> income households; and whereas NWRAPS has been identified as a CHDO, subject to the terms and conditions stated <br /> below; and whereas NWRAPS submitted a revised proposal May 2010 to conduct activities eligible under the HOME <br /> program guidelines and requested a grant of HOME funds to carry out the activities under the stated proposal. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the parties in consideration thereto mutually agree and covenant as follows: <br /> I. SCOPE OF SERVICE <br /> A. NWRAPS may receive up to 7 800 in CHDO Operating funds from the City under the HOME Program to <br /> implement the proposed activity. Funding will be dispersed based upon actual project expenditures, for a total not <br /> � to exceed 7 800 or 50 percent of the CHDO's total annual operating expenses. <br /> B. NWRAPS shall use the funds as outlined in the attached revised proposal submitted in Mav 2010. Eligible <br /> uses are reasonable and necessary costs for the operation of the CHDO, including: <br /> • Salaries, wages, benefits and other employee compensation; <br /> • Employee education, training and travel; <br /> • Rent and utilities; <br /> • Communication costs; <br /> • Taxes and insurance; and <br />, • Equipment, material and supplies <br /> All additional sources of funds for the CHDO Operating Budget are confirmed (see attached funding proposal) or will be <br />' confirmed prior to the start of the project. <br /> C. NWRAPS shall not obligate or expend any funds under the terms of this agreement <br /> until a written Notice to Proceed is issued by the Department of Neighborhood Services-Neighborhood Outreach <br /> Division. The Notice to Proceed shall be issued following completion of all conditions of this Agreement which <br /> include (1)completion of environmental review requirements and/or(2) confirmation of additional funding sources <br /> and expenses as stated in I.B. above. <br /> D. Duration of Agreement. This agreement shall be in effect until such time the CHDO has completed all CHDO <br /> activities. All funds received under this Agreement must be expended within eighteen months from the date of <br /> this agreement unless an extension is granted by the City Council. A request for any extension shall be made in <br /> writing and include an explanation for why it is required. The City shall inform NWRAPS within four weeks of the <br /> receipt of the request for extension as to whether it has been granted. <br /> II. REPORTING AND REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURE <br /> A. Monthly Reporting <br /> NWRAPS shall provide the City with monthly progress reports and financial reports. Monthly reports shall be <br /> submitted to the City by the tenth (10th)working day <br /> of the succeeding calendar month. Monthly reports shall include the status of all projects currently underway, <br /> financial expenditures to date, any anticipated revisions to the project budget, and any other pertinent information. <br />