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COUNCIL MEMORANDUM <br /> #2010-12 <br /> DATE: June 14, 2010 <br /> TO: Honorable Mayor Michael T. McElroy and City Council <br /> FROM: Ryan P. McCrady, City Manager <br /> SUBJECT: Request for Parking Facilities for Decatur Celebration <br /> SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution <br /> authorizing Decatur Celebration to charge $5.00 per vehicle for parking in City Garages B and C <br /> and City Lots #1 (southeast corner of Wood and Main Streets) and #10 (northeast corner of <br /> Wood and Main Streets) for the Decatur Celebration on August 6, 7 and 8, 2010 in downtown <br /> Decatur. <br /> BACKGROUND: The 25th anniversary edition of the Decatur Celebration is scheduled for <br /> downtown Decatur on August 6 through 8, 2010. As part of the event, the Celebration is again <br /> asking the City for permission to charge $5.00 per vehicle for parking in municipal parking <br /> garages B and C and City lots#1 and #10, which are adjacent to Celebration perimeters. <br /> In an effort to assist retail and restaurant businesses in downtown Decatur during Celebration <br /> weekend, the Celebration is proposing patron parking validation and refunds this year. Patrons <br /> will pay for parking and obtain validation tickets at the parking facilities, then redeem the tickets <br /> for the parking fee at participating merchants. <br /> If the Council approves this request, this would be the fifth year this organization is permitted to <br /> charge for parking at these facilities and keep the proceeds. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTIONS: There are no known objectors to this request. Reserve parking <br /> in the garages would not be affected by this request, and there is no reserve weekend parking <br /> in these specific City lots. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Fred Puglia, Producer/Director of the Decatur Celebration; <br /> Phone: 423-4222. <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: If you have any questions, please contact me about this item. <br /> BUDGET/TIME IMPLICATIONS: There would be no direct budget implications for the City <br /> since the event will be held on the weekend, when fees are not otherwise normally charged for <br /> parking in these City facilities. <br /> attachment <br />