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FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> #2010 - 16 <br /> DATE: April 1, 2010 <br /> TO: Honorable Mayor Michael T. McElr y and City Council <br /> FROM: Ryan McCrady, City Manager <br /> Ron Neufeld, Finance Director <br /> SUBJECT: Changes to FY11 Budget <br /> Attached you will find a copy of a resolution approving the Annual Budget for Fiscal <br /> Year 2010-2011 as well as a revised copy of the 2010-2011 Annual Budget, with the <br /> changes made at the City Council meeting on Monday, March 30th. Below are the page <br /> numbers and changes made, which can be compared to the budget detail that you already <br /> have. For your convenience we have included copies of the pages that changed. <br /> Page 12 — We increased expenditure line item 10430392-443800 (Conventions and <br /> Visitor's Bureau) by $12,000 and expenditure line item 10430392-445000 (Senior <br /> Center) by $3,000. We offset this increase by reducing expenditure line item 10430392- <br /> 445912 (Transfer to Municipal Band)by $15,000. <br /> Page 52 — Decreased revenue line item 3643360-306702 (Transfer from General Fund) <br /> by $15,000 and assumed that a portion the beginning fund balance would make up the <br /> difference between the Municipal Band expenditures and the transfer from the General <br /> Fund. <br /> The General Fund budget is still $51,309,635 or $4,214,087 less than the General Fund <br /> budget approved in FY10. The total budget is now $147,153,414 less inter-fund transfers <br /> of$22,696,813 or a net budget of$124,456,601. That compares to net budget in FY10 of <br /> $141,200,797 or a reduction of $16,744,196. Other than the General Fund, the other <br /> large budget reductions came in the Hotel Fund, the Capital Funds and the Equipment <br /> Replacement Funds. <br />