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[- . . II <br /> RESOLUTION NO. R2010-60 <br /> RESOLUTION OPPOSING <br /> GOVERNOR QUINN'S PROPOSED REDUCTION IN <br /> MUNICIPALITY'S SHARE IN THE <br /> LOCAL GOVERNMENT DISTRIBUTIVE FUND <br /> WHEREAS, Governor Quinn recently proposed reducing the share of monies guaranteed to <br /> municipal governments under the Local Government Distributive Fund by 30 percent; and, <br /> WHEREAS, the 30 percent reduction would redirect $300 million of the State's $11.5 billion <br /> budget deficit to the local governments upon which residents rely to provide critical services; and, <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Decatur and many other municipalities throughout the State are <br /> currently experiencing financial hardships and struggling to formulate balanced budgets; and, <br /> WHEREAS, if the Governor's proposed reduction is passed the City of Decatur is expected <br /> to lose almost $2 million in State tax receipts; and, <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Decatur is looking to find ways to fill a $4.5 million budget deficit in <br /> the upcoming fiscal year having already cut 51 jobs, more than 9 percent of the overall work force; <br /> and, <br /> WHEREAS, the proposed state reduction would necessitate the layoff of an additional 20 to <br /> 40 employees which would almost certainly threaten critical areas of public safety like police and fire <br /> protection; and, <br /> WHEREAS, City finances across the state are based upon the long standing decades-long <br /> commitment that a full 10 percent of income taxes will be distributed to municipalities, funding upon <br /> which cities rely to pay for needed city services and; <br /> WHEREAS, the success of the State of Illinois is tied directly to its having successful cities <br /> and a reduction in the income tax distribution will threaten the viability of illinois municipalities. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br /> DECATUR, ILLINOIS: <br /> ,. <br /> Section l. That the Council of the City f Decatur does hereby s rongly oppose the <br /> .� <br /> Governor's proposed reduction in the municipal share of the Loc l Governme istributive Fund. <br /> ` r ' ` <br /> PRESENTED AND ADOPTED this 29t�i d�y.o.f M�rc ,�0 '. �� <br /> � ; �r � � � � <br /> ' r - �� f <br /> �„ AEL T. c ROY, MAYOR <br /> ��� ' � ; <br /> , .�� �.� � <br /> � <br /> CITY CLER <br />