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Phase 4: Plan Drafting <br /> The Consultant Team will prepare a draft Sustainability Plan that will build upon the first <br /> three phases of the planning process, culminating into an implementation action plan. <br /> Task 4.1: Draft Plan and Draft Implementation Plan <br /> The Consultant Team will synthesize the findings, deliverables, and revisions from all previous <br /> phases of work to prepare the preliminary draft Sustainability Plan document. The Consultant <br /> Team will prepare and submit twenty (20) copies of the preliminary draft Sustainability Plan <br /> document. The Consultant Team will identify the key planning actions and strategies necessary <br /> to carry out the established strategies. This will entail the creation of an Imp�ementation Action <br /> Plan that identifies in a clear and prioritized manner a step-by-step process for putting the <br /> Sustainability Plan into action. <br /> » Deliverable: Twenty (20) copies of the preliminary draft Sustainability Plan document and an <br /> electronic copy of the plan. <br /> Task 4.2: Local Sustainability Team Meeting - Draft Plan <br /> A Local Sustainability Team Work Session will be convened, providing the opportunity for the <br /> Consultant Team to formally present the draft Sustainability Plan document, answer questions, <br /> and gather any suggested revisions. <br /> Phase 5: Final P�an <br /> The Consultant Team will prepare the final Sustainability Plan, incorporating input from the <br /> Local Sustainability Team, staff, residents, officials, and key stakeholders and submitted for <br /> formal review and approval by the citizens of Decatur and City officials. <br /> Task 5.1: Final Plan Drafting <br /> The Consultant Team will synthesize the findings, deliverables, and revisions from all previous <br /> phases of work to prepare the final Sustainability Plan document. Based upon input from the <br /> Steering Committee and Public Workshop, the Consultant Team will consolidate all the <br /> recommended strategies into one complete document. This draft will be transmitted to City staff <br /> for final review. In preparation for the Council review, the Team will prepare and submit twenty <br /> (20) copies of the final Sustainability Plan document. <br /> » Deliverable: Twenty (20) copies of the preliminary draft Sustainability Plan document. <br /> Appendices will be provided in electronic format only. <br /> Task 5.2: Present Final Plan to Council for Consideration <br /> The Consultant Team will present the final Draft to the City Council for consideration and <br /> answer questions regarding the recommended Plan. The City Council may adopt the plan with <br /> or without amendments. The manner of the presentation can be varied based upon the desires <br /> of the Council. <br /> » Deliverable: Final Plan Document <br /> Task 5.3 Preparation of Final Draft Comprehensive Plan <br /> 10 <br />