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Attachment A: Scope of Work <br /> SCOPE <br /> Phase 1: Project initiation and Baseline Analysis <br /> Task 1.1: Project Initiation Meeting <br /> The Consultant will meet with staff to review in detail the scope of services, overall project goals <br /> and issues, responsibilities, sources of key information, schedule for review of work products, <br /> meeting formats, public participation and information protocol, etc. The Consultant Team will <br /> work with City staff, and elected and appointed officials to identify local stakeholders to form the <br /> Local Sustainability Team. As noted, the Local Sustainability Team will assist in plan vision and <br /> goals, strategies, formation and implementation. <br /> Task 1.2: Data Collection <br /> Working with staff, the Consultant Team will collect the necessary data to perform the baseline <br /> analysis as outlined in Task 1.6. <br /> Task 1.3: Project Website <br /> The Consultant Team will set up and maintain an interactive project website at the onset of the <br /> planning process, providing community members with an online forum to download interim <br /> documents, provide comments, submit questions, and monitor the overall progress of the <br /> planning process. We will work with City staff to link the project website to the City's website for <br /> convenient community access. <br /> » Deliverable: Project Website <br /> Task 1.4: Initiation meeting with Local Sustainability Team <br /> The Consultant Team will conduct an initial meeting with the Local Sustainability Team to: <br /> Review Project Overview including outline the details of the planning process, discuss <br /> promotion of ineetings, and define roles and responsibilities of the Local Sustainability Team, <br /> City staff, and consultants. <br /> Establish Sustainability: In order to ensure that all members of the Local Sustainability Team <br /> are working with the same upfront knowledge, the Consultant Team will define the concept of <br /> sustainability and outline the importance of sustainability to Decatur. <br /> Establish a Vision. The Consultant Team will work with the Local Sustainability Team in <br /> establishing this vision of what a sustainable Decatur entails. This vision should convey a <br /> compelling, conceptual image of the desired sustainable future for the City. <br /> Identify Sustainability Issues: The Consultant Team will lead an initial exercise with <br /> Sustainability Team members to gather their preliminary thoughts on key sustainability issues. <br /> This exercise serves to get the team members in the mind frame of thinking about sustainability <br /> issues. Included in the step, the Sustainability Team will help identify issues to be considered as <br /> part of the baseline analysis. <br /> Task 1.5: Interview of Key Stakeholders <br /> The Consultant Team will conduct one-on-one or small group interviews with approximately 20- <br /> 25 key public and private sector representatives who are considered by the City to have <br /> 6 <br />