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1 <br /> .♦ <br /> 12r;SOLUTION NO. R2O10-24 <br /> RESOLIJ'TION ACCN:I''I'ING "I'HF. YROPOSAL AND AUTHORIZING <br /> THE EXECL�1'ION OF AN N;NGAUEMENT CONTRACT <br /> - FINANCIAL AUllI'T- <br /> CLIF'I'ON GLINUFNSON I,LP <br />� BF. ["1� RI:SOI.VI��:D. 13Y "l�Ill� CI"I�Y COl1NC'lI. O}; �l'Hl: C1"1'Y OF DECATUR, <br /> ILI.INOIS: <br /> Section 1. �I�hat the proposal received for tinancial audit services of the City of Decatur, <br /> and presented to the C'ity Council herewith be, and it is hereby, received, placed on file and <br /> approvcd. <br /> Section 2. �l'hat thc bid ol� Clif�ton Uunderson I,LP be accepted and an engagement <br /> contract awarded, accordingly. <br /> Section 3. l�hat thr City Mana�er, Uirector of� I�inancial Management, and City Clerk �' <br /> be, and thcy are hcrcby. authoriicd an�i directed to ex�cute an engagement contract between the <br /> City of Decatur. Illinois and Clifton Gundcrsoi� I,I,P, ior said audit �ervices for their proposal of <br /> $62,SU0.00, with the City having thc right of� renewal ior the following four (4) fiscal years for <br /> the priccs indicatcd in said proposal. <br /> � <br /> YRESl:N1�ED A'�1ll A1�0�'"l�l;l) this 16th day of�I�'ebr ary, 2010. <br /> � �, <br /> _ .__--- — <br /> : I('I � I�, . " . 'vt . �: ,ZO . YOR <br /> ATTES'I�: <br /> � � <br /> � . , <br /> �'Q � _ � � - � -�2�i;� <br /> --_-----__ __ <br /> C'I�I�Y C'I.I�:IZ <br />