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21. City shall review bid specifications and submitted bids, to verify adequate <br /> competitive bid process prior to Owner(s) or Owners' General Contractor <br /> awarding any contract for work to be performed under this Agreement. <br /> 22.Owner(s) shall make no changes to any bid specifications submitted for City <br /> review and approval,without the prior written approval of the City. <br /> 23. Owner(s) shall maintain the premises and each rental unit within the premises <br /> in a safe and sanitary condition. The premises shall at all times be maintained <br /> in compliance with all applicable City of Decatur Building, Plumbing, Electrical <br /> and Mechanical Codes. Owner(s) further agree to observe and comply with all <br /> rules, regulations, statutes, ordinances and laws, now in force or which may be <br /> enacted during the term of this Contract by any municipality, county, state or <br /> federal authorities having jurisdiction over the premises. Owner(s) shall <br /> schedule, and City shall conduct an annual inspection of the premises to <br /> determine compliance with the terms of this Agreement. <br /> 24. Owner(s) shall not discriminate against prospective tenants on the basis of <br /> receipt of, or eligibility for, housing assistance under any Federal, State, or local <br /> housing assistance program. Owner(s) shall not discriminate against <br /> prospective tenants with whom a minor child or minor children will reside. <br /> 25. Owner(s) shall not use any funds provided under this Agreement for religious <br /> activities, to promote religious interests, or for the benefit of a religious <br /> organization in accordance with the federal regulations specified in 24 CFR <br /> 92.504 (c)(3)(x). <br /> 26. Owner(s) shall exercise affirmative marketing practices to locate and recruit <br /> prospective tenants, including but not limited to use of commercial media, <br /> community contacts, and signs. Owners shall display the "Equal Opportunity" <br /> logo or sign in every advertisement soliciting tenants. <br /> 27. Owner(s) shall inform and solicit applications from persons in the housing <br /> market area who are not likely to apply for housing without special outreach, <br /> through the use of community organizations, churches, employment centers, <br /> fair housing groups or housing counseling agencies. Owner(s) acknowledge <br /> that under 24 CFR 92.351(a)(1), affirmative marketing procedures do not <br /> apply to families with Section 8 tenant-based rental housing assistance. <br /> 28. Owner(s) shall comply with such guidelines for establishing and requiring <br /> monthly rental payments as shall be from time to time identified and required <br /> by City. Owner(s) shall comply with such procedures for increasing monthly <br /> rental payments, as shall be from time to time indentified and required by City. <br /> 29. Owner(s) shall submit tenant certification no less frequently than annually, <br /> and on a case by case basis, if requested in writing by City. Owner(s) shall <br /> permit annual or bi-annual inspections of all units by employees, agents, or , <br /> representatives of City. � <br /> 30.The applicable maximum rents which Owner(s) may charge for units on the ; <br /> property subject to this agreement shall be as stated on the chart below, as I <br /> modified annually by HUD: I <br /> 4 <br />