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(b) provide and verify the information required to issue any 2004 MCCs; and <br /> (c) prepare and provide to the City any reports required under the Code for <br /> the holders of the MCCs under the Veterans' MCC Program; and <br /> (d) assist the City and provide such other support as is necessary to assist the <br /> City in implementing the Veterans' MCC Program. <br /> The Authority may charge and collect a fee to cover costs associated with the <br /> administration of the Veterans' MCC Program. <br /> 4. Representations and Warranties. <br /> (a) The City represents and warrants that it has complied with and will <br /> comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations as they relate to (i) the carryforward of <br /> the 2004 Bond Cap; (ii) the election to convert such to the 2004 MCCs' and (iii) to the <br /> extent applicable, the issuance of the 2004 MCCs, the filing of any reports in connection <br /> therewith, and the publishing of appropriate notices in connection with the 2004 MCCs. <br /> (b ) The Authority represents and warrants that it will comply with all <br /> applicable laws, rules and regulations as they relate to (i) the administration of the <br /> Veterans' MCC Program; and (ii) to the extent applicable, the issuance of the 2004 <br /> MCCs, and the filing of any reports in connection therewith. <br /> 5. Indemnification. <br /> (a) The City agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Authority and <br /> its officers, agents, and employees against all liability, loss, costs or damage the <br /> Authority may suffer (including, without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys' <br /> fees) as a result of any actions, suits, claims, demands, costs or judgments arising out of <br /> any acts or omissions of the City and the City's officers, agents and employees, in <br /> performance of this Agreement. <br /> (b) The Authority agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City and <br /> its officers, agents and employees against all liability, loss, costs or damage the City may <br /> suffer (including, without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees) as a <br /> result of any actions, suits, claims, demands, costs or judgments arising out of any acts or <br /> omissions of the Authority and the Authority's officers, agents and employees, in <br /> performance of this Agreement. <br /> 6. Term of A�reement. <br /> The term of this Agreement shall begin as of November 1, 2008 and shall <br /> terminate at the close of business on December 31, 2010. <br /> 7. Assi�nment; Binding Effect. <br />