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LICENSE AGREEMENT <br /> UNDERGROUND SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN <br /> THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this ��d day of �ic��.✓ , 2008, between <br /> THE CITY OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS, hereinafter CITY, and SECURE ENERGY DECATUR, <br /> LLC., hereinafter LICENSEE, authorizes LICENSEE the privilege of locating their sanitary sewer <br /> force main along, under, and within the CITY Right of Way in accordance with the following <br /> specifications. This licensing document is intended to be complementary to Chapter 41.1 of the <br /> CITY Code and in case of conflict the AGREEMENT supersedes the CITY code. <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> 1. In consideration of a one-time permit application fee of 100.00, in hand paid by <br /> LICENSEE to CITY, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the faithful <br /> performance by LICENSEE of the covenants herein contained, CITY, insofar as it <br /> lawfully may, hereby grants to LICENSEE license and permission to construct and <br /> maintain a ten inch sanitary sewer force main with related appurtenances (see <br /> attachment) along and underneath CITY right of way descnbed generally as 5 feet <br /> south of the North Right of Way line on East Hubbard Avenue in Decatur, Illinois. The <br /> limits of the project begin, near the Northwest corner approximately of 27th Street and <br /> extend easterly approximately 4,250 feet to a point East of ADM and Caterpillar, said <br /> sanitary sewer force main being more particularly described upon the exhibits attached <br /> hereto and incorporated by reference, subject to the following conditions and <br /> specifications and those found in Chapter 41.1 of the City code.: <br /> 2. The license and permission herein granted LICENSEE are subject and subordinate <br /> however, to the rights of CITY, its successors and assigns, to construct, reconstruct, <br /> operate, use, maintain, repair and renew on, beneath or above the property covered <br /> hereby, any structures, improvements or facilities of similar or different character as are <br /> now or in the future may be located on, beneath, or above said properties. <br /> 3. LICENSEE shall, except in emergencies, give not less than 72 hours written notice to <br /> CITY of the day, hour and location that it proposes to undertake any construction or <br /> maintenance work and in the event of emergency shall notify CITY as soon as possible. <br /> LICENSEE shall require each of its contractors and subcontractors to observe and <br /> conform to the conditions specified herein, and for the purposes of the safety, protective <br /> and indemnification provisions herein, such contractors and subcontractors, shall be <br /> deemed agents or employees of LICENSEE. <br /> 4. LICENSEE shall, at no expense to CITY, obtain all permits and approvals required to <br /> exercise this license, and LICENSEE shall install, maintain, and operate its facilities in <br /> accordance with all requirements of lawful public authority. LICENSEE shall be <br /> responsible for any taxes, assessments, and charges made against the sanitary sewer <br /> force main or other of LICENSEE'S facilities on CITY property, or the operation of any <br /> of them. <br /> 5. CITY'S authorized representative shall have the right, but not the duty, to require certain <br /> materials or procedures to be used, or supervise the construction, maintenance, <br /> restoration, or other work on CITY'S property. <br /> 6. CITY shall have the right, but not the duty, to furnish temporary protective street signage <br /> or other protection, or to perform work to protect its property and/or permitted and <br /> intended users of its property, at LICENSEE'S sole risk and expense. <br />