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7. LICENSEE agrees at any time, or from time to time, at its own risk and expense, upon <br /> request of the authorized representative of CITY, to make such change or changes as <br /> may be necessary in the opinion of said representative to accommodate any change or <br /> improvements which CITY may desire to make in or on its property. <br /> 8. LICENSEE shall at its expense take such measures as may be necessary and adequate <br /> in connection with its property or the property of the CITY, to protect CITY'S facilities, <br /> from negligence attributable to the exercise by LICENSEE of the license herein granted <br /> it. In the event CITY advises LICENSEE to take any action to protect CITY, its facilities, <br /> or facilities on CITY property, LICENSEE shall promptly take the indicated action, <br /> including but not limited to ceasing operation of the construction or use of the sanitary <br /> sewer force main or associated facilities. If LICENSEE fails to do so, CITY shall have <br /> the right, but not the duty, to perform on behalf of LICENSEE at the sole risk and <br /> expense of LICENSEE. <br /> 9. In the event CITY elects to renew, replace, repair, or alter any of the existing CITY <br /> infrastructure affected by this LICENSE AGREEMENT, and in connection therewith <br /> requires removal of any facilities placed on CITY property, or should any of <br /> LICENSEE'S facilities need renewal or repair, LICENSEE shall, within 30 days of <br /> receipt of notice, arrange for such removal, renewal or repair at LICENSEE'S sole risk <br /> and expense. In the event removal is required, LICENSEE'S facilities shall be relocated <br /> to such location on CITY'S property as is designated by CITY, provided that CITY'S <br /> representative determines that a location is reasonably available. Renewal or repair <br /> shall be to such condition as is indicated by CITY'S authorized representative. If <br /> LICENSEE fails to comply with the foregoing�CITY shall have the right, but no the duty, <br /> to remove, renew, or repair such facilities at the sole risk and expense of the <br /> LICENSEE. <br /> 10. Cost and expense for work performed by CITY pursuant to this agreement shall consist <br /> of the direct cost of labor and materials. All payments required of LICENSEE under this <br /> AGREEMENT shall be made promptly upon presentation of an invoice for the work <br /> performed. <br /> 11. LICENSEE, prior to performing any work under this AGREEMENT, shall obtain and <br /> provide CITY proof of the following insyrance coverage, provided by insurance <br /> companies acceptable to CITY and authorized to transact business under the laws of <br /> the State of Illinois. The coverage shall be in place whenever LICENSEE performs any <br /> work on CITY'S property pursuant to this AGREEMENT, but shall not be required <br /> during any other periods of time during the life of this LICENSE. The insurance <br /> companies providing coverage shall be rated in the BesYs Key Rating Guide. CITY wil� <br /> not accept companies with a rating lower than A-. Companies rated A- or better shall <br /> have a financial size category of not less than VI. Coverage limits shall be written at not <br /> less than the minimum specified in this AGREEMENT. <br /> 12. Workers compensation insurance shall be provided according to the provisions of the <br /> Illinois Workers' Compensation Act, as amended. <br /> Employers Liability <br /> a. Each Accident $1,000,000 <br /> b. Disease — policy limit $1,000,000 <br /> c. Disease —each employee $1,000,000 <br />