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. . <br /> . <br /> licensees, and users of C��' property, and for any loss, damage, or injury to any <br /> property, including but not limited to the parties hereto (together with CITY'S reasonable <br /> attorneys fees) arising from, growing out of, or in any manner or degree caused by, <br /> attributable to, or resulting from the grant or exercise of this license or the construction, <br /> maintenance, repair, renewal, alteration, change, relocation, existence, presence, use, <br /> operation, or removal of any structure incident thereto, or from any activity conducted <br /> on or occurrence originating on the area covered by the license. <br /> , 18. It is expressly understood that CITY does not warrant title to the premises, and <br /> LICENSEE accepts the grant of privileges contained herein subject to all lawful <br /> outstanding liens and superior rights. LICENSEE agrees to indemnify and save <br /> harmless CITY and to assure all risk, responsibility and liability, including any expenses, <br /> attorneys fees and costs incurred or sustained by CITY arising from or in any manner <br /> attributable to or resulting from any deficiency or insufficiency of it title affecting the right <br /> of CITY to make this grant. <br /> 19. This LICENSE AGREEMENT shall continue in force indefinitely from and after the date <br /> hereof, subject however, to the right of either party to terminate this LICENSE <br /> AGREEMENT upon giving the other party ninety (90) days written notice of its desire to <br /> terminate. In the event this LICENSE AGREEMENT shall be terminated, LICENSEE <br /> shall, within thirty (30) days after expiration of the time stated in the notice, at its own <br /> risk and expense, remove all facilities constructed or placed on CITY property, and <br /> restore CITY property to a neat and safe condition. If LICENSEE fails to do so, CITY <br /> shall have the right, but not the duty, to remove and restore the same, at the risk and <br /> expense of LICENSEE. Nothing herein shall be construed as conferring any property <br /> right on LICENSEE. <br /> 20. Nothing in this LICENSE AGREEMENT shall be construed to place any responsibility <br /> on CITY for the quality of the construction, maintenance or other work performed on <br /> behalf of LICENSEE hereunder or for the condition of any of LICENSEE'S facilities. <br /> Any approval given, or supervision exercised by CITY hereunder, or failure of CITY to <br /> object to any work done, material used, or method of construction or maintenance, shall <br /> not be construed to relieve LICENSEE of its obligations under this LICENSE <br /> AGREEMENT. <br /> 21. This LICENSE AGREEMENT shall not be binding on either party until all parties have <br /> executed in the space below. <br /> 22. This LICENSE AGREEMENT shall b binding on the successors and assigns of the <br /> parties hereto, but no assignment hereof by LICENSEE, its successors, legal <br /> representatives or assigns, shall be binding upon CITY without CITY'S written consent <br /> in each instance. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed in <br /> duplicate, the date and year first above written. <br /> THE CITY OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS SECURE ENERGY DECATUR, LLC. <br /> BY: BY:. � �/. �� _ <br /> ichael . Ca riga , ayor <br /> � <br /> ATTEST: ITS ����I��'_ Sco•N� F••rty •i�.•c, <br /> Celeste F. HaRis, ' erk �� ��t� ���� <br />