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, . ' ' � " , . , . <br /> ENGINEER to: <br /> a. Stop work at a logical point when monies due the ENGINEER are within the limit of <br /> total fee, or <br /> b. Continue work under the terms of the AGREEMENT up to an adjusted limit as <br /> authorized in writing by the CITY. The ENGINEER will make no claim for payment in <br /> excess of the original limit without having received such written authorization prior to <br /> incurring the excess costs. <br /> 2. The provisions of this Section and the various rates of compensation for ENGINEER's services <br /> provided for in this AGREEMENT have been agreed to in anticipation of the orderly and <br /> continuous progress of the PROJECT. Time is of the essence and therefore the project shall be <br /> completed with due diligence to confonn to the agreed upon completion timing. The study shall <br /> be completed July 1, 2009. The ENGINEER shall not be responsible for any time delays in the <br /> PROJECT caused by circumstances beyond the ENGINEER's control. <br /> 3. The CITY may at any time, by written order, make changes within the general scope of this <br /> AGREEMENT in the services or work to be perfonned. If such changes cause an increase or <br /> decrease in the ENGINEER's cost or time required to perform any services under this <br /> AGREEMENT, an equitable adjustment shall be made and this AGREEMENT shall be <br /> modified in writing. The ENGINEER must assert any claim for adjustment under this clause in <br /> writing within 30 days from the date of receipt of the ENGINEER of the notification of change <br /> unless the CITY grants additional time before the date of final payment. No services for which <br /> an additional compensation will be charged by the ENGINEER shall be furnished without the <br /> written authorization of the CITY. <br /> 4. Services performed during the performance of the AGREEMENT made necessary by the <br /> following circumstances or events shall be considered as Additional Services: <br /> a. Services performed as a result of litigation, arbitration, or other legal or administrative <br /> proceedings involving the PROJECT other than a dispute between the OWNER and <br /> ENGINEER. <br /> Payment for Additional Services shall be in accordance with the Schedule of Charges. <br /> 5. Services resulting from significant changes in general scope of the PROJECT including, but not <br /> limited to, changes in size, complexity, or CITY's schedule; and revising previously accepted <br /> designs, studies or reports, when such revisions are due to causes beyond ENGINEER's control <br /> shall be considered as a Change in Scope. <br /> 6. The obligation to provide further services under this AGR�EMENT may be terminated by either <br /> party upon 7 days' written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other parly to perform <br /> in accordance with the terms her�of through no fault of the terminating party. <br /> THE CITY AND THE ENGINEER each binds himself, his partners, successors, executors, <br /> administrators and assignees to each other party hereto in respect to ali the covenants and agreements <br /> herein and, except as above, neither the CITY nor the ENGINEER shall assign, sublet or transfer any <br /> part of his interest in this AGREEMENT without the written consent of the other party hereto. <br /> BGM 08-069 Page 3 of 4 <br />