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PART III <br /> COMPENSATION <br /> A. Compensation <br /> Compensation for the Services shall be as follows: <br /> Compensation to Clark Dietz for services rendered by employees working on the Project in accordance <br /> with PART I, SERVICES of this Agreement will be at the hourly billing rates shown in Exhibit B, <br /> "Schedule of General Billing Rates". The total compensation authorized by this Agreement will not <br /> exceed$46,540.00. <br /> 1. Payment for outside consulting and/or professional services performed by a subconsultant will <br /> be at actual invoice cost to Clark Dietz plus ten percent for administrative costs. Clark Dietz <br /> will obtain written Client approval before authorizing these services. <br /> 2. Payment for expenses incurred directly on behalf of the Project at actual cost to Clark Dietz <br /> plus ten percent for administrative costs. <br /> B. Billing and Payment <br /> 1. Timing/Format <br /> a. Invoices shall be submitted monthly for Services completed at the time of billing and <br /> are due upon receipt. Invoices shall be considered past due if not paid within 30 <br /> calendar days of the due date. Such invoices shall be prepared in a form supported <br /> by documentation as Client may reasonably require. <br /> b. If payment in full is not received by Clark Dietz within 30 calendar days of the due <br /> date, invoices shall bear interest at one-and-one-half(1.5) percent of the past due <br /> amount per month, which shall be calculated from the invoice due date. <br /> c. If the Client fails to make payments within 30 calendar days of due date or otherwise <br /> is in breach of this Agreement, Clark Dietz may suspend performance of services <br /> upon seven(7)calendar days'notice to the Client.Clark Dietz shall have no liability <br /> whatsoever to the Client for any costs or damages as a result of suspension caused by <br /> any breach of this Agreement by the Client. Upon payment in full by the Client, <br /> Clark Dietz shall resume services under this Agreement,and the time schedule and <br /> compensation shall be equitably adjusted to compensate for the period of suspension <br /> plus any other reasonable time and expense necessary for Clark Dietz to resume <br /> performance. <br /> 2. Billing Records <br /> Clark Dietz shall maintain accounting records of its costs in accordance with generally <br /> accepted accounting practices. Access to such records will be provided during normal <br /> business hours with reasonable notice during the term of this Agreement and for 3 years after <br /> completion. <br /> 4 <br />