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• � • • <br /> ' 2. Hatch Act <br /> The Subrecipient agrees that neither fiinds provided, nor personnel ernployed <br /> under this contract, shall be in any way or to any extent engaged in the conduct of <br /> political activities in violation of Chapter 15 of Title V United States Code. <br /> 3. Conflict of Interest <br /> The Subrecipient agrees to abide by the provisions of 24 CFR 570.611 with <br /> respect to conflict of interest, and covenants that it presently has no financial <br /> interest and shall not acquire any financial interest, direct or indirect, which would <br /> conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of services required under <br /> this contract. The Subrecipient further covenants that in the performance of this <br /> contract no person having such a financial interest shall be employed or retained <br /> by the Subrecipient hereunder. These conflict of interest provisions apply to any <br /> person who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected official or <br /> appointed official of the City, or of any designated public agencies or <br /> Subrecipients which are receiving funds under the CDBG Entitlement program. <br /> The Subrecipient further agrees to provide the City with a list of its current Board <br /> members and notify the City in writing within five (5) business working days if, <br /> during the course of this contract, any changes in Board membership occurs. <br /> However, it would be to the benefit of the Subrecipient to notify the City in <br /> advance with names of potential persons being considered for any office or <br /> position within the organization to relieve the Subrecipient of impending conflict <br /> of interest concerns. <br /> 4. Subcontracts <br /> a. A�provals <br /> The Subrecipient shall not enter into any sub contracts with any agency <br /> or individual in the performance of this contract without the written <br /> consent of the City prior to execution of such agreement. <br /> b. Monitoring <br /> The Subrecipient will monitor all subcontracted services on a regular <br /> basis to assure contract compliance. Results of monitoring efforts, if <br /> necessary, shall be summarized in written reports and supported with <br /> documented evidence of follow-up actions taken to correct areas of <br /> noncompliance. <br /> Sub�•ecipierlt Agreement (Rev. 08/12/08) Page 15 of 18 <br />