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� Funding Approval and HOME , u.S. �epartment of Housing OMB Approval No.2506-0171 <br /> : ' and Urban Development (Exp.05/31/2007) <br /> In�,�estment Partnerships Agreement Office of Community Planning <br /> Title II of the National Affordable Housing Act and �eve�opment <br /> Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching <br /> existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of information.This agency may not conduct or <br /> sponsor,and a person is not required to respond to,a collection of information unless that collection displays a valid OMB control number. <br /> The HOME statute imposes a significant number of data collection and reporting requirements. This includes information on assisted properties, on the <br /> owners or tenants of the properties, and on other programmatic areas. The information will be used: 1) to assist HOME participants in managing their <br /> programs; 2) to track performance of participants in meeting fund commitment and expenditure deadlines; 3) to permit HUD to determine whether each I <br /> participant meets the HOME statutory income targeting and affordability requirements;and 4)to permit HUD to determine compliance with other statutory ' <br /> and regulatory program requirements.This data collection is authorized under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act or related <br /> authorities. Access to Federal grant funds is contingent on the reporting of certain project-specific data elements. Records of information collected will be <br /> maintained by the recipients of the assistance. Information on activities and expenditures of grant funds is public information and is generally available for <br /> disclosure. Recipients are responsible for ensuring confidentiality when public disclosure is not required. , <br /> 1. Participant Name and Address 2. Participant Number <br /> PAUL OSBORNE M-08-MG17-0203 <br /> MAYOR,CITY OF DECATUR 3. Tax Identification Number �� <br /> 36-6001308 <br /> #1 GARY K. ANDERSON PLAZA 4. Appropriation Number <br /> 86 X 0205 <br /> DECATUR,IL 62523-1196 5. FY(yyyy) <br /> 2008 <br /> 6. Previous Obligation(Enter"0"for initial FY allocation) � <br /> a. Formula Funds � <br /> b. Community Housing Development Org.(CHDO)Competitive � ' ���" �'�`'`� <br /> : <br /> �s ��. <br /> 7. Current Transaction(+or-) $519,821 <br /> a. Formula Funds $519,821 � L� <br /> � ��§ <br /> 1. CHDO(For deobligations only) $ <br /> 2. Non-CHDO(For deobligations only) $ -� Pi�? � ' <br /> Tr, ,:��:y�, ��, <br /> b. CHDO Competitive Reallocation or Deobligation (see#18 below) $ f � �.�� ;. <br /> 8. Revised Obligation $ <br /> a. Formula Funds $ <br /> .�G,:;�; � <br /> b. CHDO Competitive Reallocation $ `�,rA�� `� , �'�i;�""x` �� <br /> 9. Special Conditions(check applicable box) 10.Date of Obligation(Congression�Ij�lease Date) <br /> ❑ Not applicable � Attached (mm/dd/yyyy) P�( 2 3 2 U� <br /> This Agreement between the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Participating Jurisdiction/Entity is made pursuant to the <br /> authority of the HOME Investment Partnerships Act (42 U.S.C. 12701 et seq.). The Participating Jurisdiction's /Entity's approved Consolidated Plan <br /> submission/Application and the HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 92 (as is now in effect and as may be amended from time to time) and this HOME <br /> Investment Partnership Agreement, form HUD-40093, including any special conditions,constitute part of this Agreement. Subject to the provisions of this <br /> Agreement, HUD will make the funds for the Fiscal Year specified,available to the Participating Jurisdiction/Entity upon execution of this Agreement by the <br /> parties. All funds for the specified Fiscal Year provided by HUD by formula reallocation are covered by this Agreement upon execution of an amendment <br /> by HUD,without the Participating Jurisdiction's execution of the amendment or other consent. HUD's payment of funds under this Agreement is subject to <br /> the Participating Jurisdiction's/Entity's compliance with HUD's electronic funds transfer and information reporting procedures issued pursuant to 24 CFR <br /> 92.502. To the extent authorized by HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 92, HUD may, by its execution of an amendment, deobligate funds previously <br /> awarded to the Participating Jurisdiction/Entiry without the Participating Jurisdiction's/Entity's execution of the amendment or other consent. The <br /> Participating Jurisdiction/Entity agrees that funds invested in affordable housing under 24 CFR Part 92 are repayable when the housing no longer qualifies <br /> as affordable housing. Repayment shall be made as specified in 24 CFR Part 92.The Participating Jurisdiction agrees to assume all of the responsibility <br /> for environmental review,decision making,and actions,as specified and required in regulation at 24 CFR 92.352 and 24 CFR Part 58. <br /> 11.For the U.S.Department of HUD(Name and Title of Authorized Official) 12. gnature � �D 1� C�qt��o�� <br /> RAY E. WILLIS, DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEV. '�/y�_ °, r �3 <br /> ,�fG.�y <br /> 14. For the Participating Jurisdiction/Entity(Name and Title of Authorized Official) 1 na �) 16.Date <br /> PAUL OSBORNE, MAYOR, CITY OF DECATUR ��/J /�� i1���� v� <br /> ��/ V <br /> 17.Check one: <br /> � Initial Agreement ❑ Amendment# <br /> 18. Funding Information: CHDO Competitive Reallocation <br /> Source of Funds Approariation Code PAS Code Amount Source of Funds Appropriation Code PAS Code Amount <br /> $ $ <br /> $ $ <br /> $ <br /> form HUD-40093(04/2004) <br />