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� „ <br /> ' a fela�y �vi��t� �lh ���e��i�g f v�e �5} �€ars o� �v�io ?�tas rep��t��g �h?iga��a�� �s � ��� af��r�d�� <br /> pursuant to the Sexually Dangerous Persons Act, 725 ILCS 205/0.01, et seq. The City agrees that <br /> it will not ir�pose stricter or more stringent standards for eligibility of Prairieland employees than <br /> as set forth herein. <br /> 21. No Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor any right or interest created hereby <br /> shall be subject to assignment by either party hereto absent written consent by the other party, and <br /> any attempt or purported assignment, without said written consent by the other party hereto, shall <br /> be null, void an� of no effect whatsoever. <br /> 22. Meetings. The parties agree to meet and discuss this Agreement and the provision <br /> of services hereunder on a quarterly basis as scheduled by the City with the provision of at least <br /> f�.���(?4)a��r�-�1��e t� �'x���1_a�. <br /> 23. Ter�. This Agreement shall be deemed effective as of April 1, 2008, and shall <br /> continue in full force and effect for a period of three (3) calendar years thereafter or through and <br /> including Marc]131, 201 l. <br /> 24. Termination. During the term hereof,the City may terminate this Agreement upon <br /> a material breach or default of the terms hereof by Prairieland as follows: (a)upon a material breach <br /> or default of the terms hereof,including the terms of the Exhibits hereto the City shall provide notice <br /> thereof, in writing, to Prairieland; (b) upon receipt of said written notice of material breach or <br /> default,Prairieland may request a meeting with the City,which meeting the City will provide within <br /> s�ven(7)days after receipt of the request therefor by Prairieland, in an effort to resolve any and all <br /> disputes between the parties in connection with the written notice by the City to Prairieland; (c) <br /> following the aforementioned meeting, Prairieland shall have fourteen (14) days within which to <br /> remedy or cure the material breach or default identified,in writing,by the City or provide to the City <br /> acceptable assurances of imminent remedy or cure. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, <br /> Prairieland's refusal to perform the towing services as required by§9 hereof,or the exclusion of the <br /> City by Prairieland from use of the evidence bay described within § 2 hereof, shall constitute a <br /> material breach or default allowing the City to take such action as deemed appropriate that the law <br /> might allow without providing Prairieland any notice or period of time within which to cure said <br /> claimed breach or default. <br /> 25. Equal Emplo,�ent. Prairieland shall comply with the provisions of the Illinois <br /> Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/1-101,et seq. (2006),and regulations promulgated thereunder by the <br /> Illinois Human Rights Commission in relation to public contracts, and Prairieland shall further <br /> comply with the provisions of the Equal Employment Opportunity clause which is attached hereto <br /> and made a part hereof as Exhibit H. <br /> 26. Notices. Any notice or written communication required pursuant to §§22 and <br /> 24 hereof shall be deemed effective as of the third day following the mailing(by United States Postal <br /> Service)of such notice or communication properly addressed, postage prepaid to the following: <br /> -9- <br />