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COUNCIL COMMUNICATION FORM <br /> PURCHASING& INTERNAL SERVICES MEMORANDUM <br /> #08-22 <br /> March 28, 2008 <br /> TO: Honorable Mayor Osborne and City Council <br /> FROM: Steve Garman, 'ty Manager <br /> Ron Neufeld, ncial Management Director <br /> Deborah M. err , Purchasing Supervisor Q� <br /> SUBJECT: Bids for water treatment chemicals <br /> SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends awarding contracts to the low <br /> responsible bidders meeting specifications listed on Exhibit A for each of the water treatment <br /> chemicals for May l, 2008 —Apri130, 2009. <br /> BACKGROUND: Alexander Chemical Company was the low bidder on chlorine and sodium <br /> bisulfite, however, they did not meet bid specifications. Bidders were instructed to quote <br /> delivered prices and not add other charges. <br /> According to the Water Production Manager, it is hard to determine the exact number of <br /> containers or drums that will be used during a contract period. <br /> In addition the deposit money is paid directly to the company and held until the containers are <br /> returned. At any given time, there is a minimum of 12 chlorine tanks on site, which would mean <br /> $9000 is tied up in deposit fees. <br /> The second low bidder for chlorine and sodium bisulfite met the City of Decatur bid <br /> specifications. <br /> The low bidders have provided the City with the necessary bonding, NSF and AWWA <br /> certification required for their chemicals. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTION: None <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Water Management requested the chemicals a�d also <br /> wrote the bid specifications. They recommend approval of the bid. <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: Keith Alexander, Director of Water Management, 424-2863. Rob <br /> Shirley, Water Production Manager, 424-2866. Keith will be at the council meeting to answer <br /> any questions the council may have about this purchase. <br /> BUDGET: Water Management Fund. <br />