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• View Print Page 2 of 11 <br /> Project Number: IL-90-X607-00 Cost: <br /> Project Description: FY 2008 operating and capital Adjustment Amt: $0 <br /> assistance 7otal Eligible Cost: $5,494,149 <br /> Recipient Type: Multi State Group Total FTA Amt: $1,454,430 <br /> FTA Project Mgr: Joyce Taylor Total State Amt: $2,981,000 <br /> Recipient Contact: Paul MeChancy Total Local Amt: $1,058,719 <br /> New/Amendment: None Specified <br /> Other Federal �� <br /> Amend Reason: Initial Application Amt: <br /> Special Cond Amt: $0 <br /> Fed Dom Asst. #: 20507 ��i <br /> Sec. of Statute: 5307-2 Special Condition: None Specified II <br /> State Appl. ID: OP-08-08-IL S.C. Tgt. Date: None Specified �I <br /> Start/End Date: Jul. 01, 2007 -Jun. 30, 2008 S.C. Eff. Date: None Specified <br /> Recvd. By State: Jun. 05, 2008 Est. Oblig Date: None Specified <br /> EO 12372 Rev: YES Pre-Award No <br /> Review Date: None Specified Authority?: <br /> Planning Grant?: NO Fed. Debt No <br /> Authority?: <br /> Program Date <br /> (STIP/UPWP/FTA Oct. 01, 2007 Final Budget?: No <br /> Prm Plan) : <br /> Program Page: 2 <br /> Application Type: Electronic <br /> Supp. Agreement?: Yes <br /> Debt. Delinq. Details: <br /> Urbanized Areas <br /> UZA ID UZA Name <br /> 171810 DECATUR, IL <br /> Congressional Districts <br /> State District District Official <br /> ID Code <br /> 17 18 Ray H LaHood <br /> 17 2p DIST LOST in 02 <br /> REDISTRICTING <br /> Project Details <br /> FY 2008 Section 5307 Funds for operating and capital assistance grant in the amount of$1,454,430. <br /> $1,152,052 to be used to offset the operating deficit. That amount equals approximately 23% of the total FY 2008 <br /> iewPrint/V iewPrintRes.asp?GUID=PR... 7/24/08 <br />