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� } <br /> LOC81 AgenCy State Contract Day Labor Local Contract RR Force Account <br /> q�J �NN'1015��1'12t1t <br /> `I o�TranSpOrtahOn City of Decatur X <br /> Local Agency Agreement Section Fund Type ITEP Number <br /> for Federal Participation 05-00525-00-SW HPS <br /> Construction En ineerin Ri ht-of-Wa <br /> Job Number Project Number Job Number Project Number Job Number Project Number <br /> C-97-060-08 HPP-4114(002) <br /> This Agreement is made and entered into between the above local agency hereinafter referred to as the"LA"and the state of Illinois,acting <br /> by and through its Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as"STATE". The STATE and LA jointly propose to improve the <br /> designated location as described below. The improvement shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the STATE and the <br /> STATE's policies and procedures approved and/or required by the Federal Highway Administration hereinafter referred to as"FHWA". <br /> Location <br /> Local Name West Main Street Route Length <br /> Termini �N• Main St. (N. Fairview to Oakland Ave.) N. Fairview Ave.(W. Main William St. (Fairview Park), Oakland Avenue <br /> (West Main Street to 300 feet North) <br /> Current Jurisdiction City of Decatur Existing Str. No N/A <br /> I <br /> Project Description <br /> ResurFace and install streetscape elements to W. Main St. Link the West Main St. Multi-purpose recreation trail to the Fairview Park trail. <br /> Enhance pedestrian crossing safety on W. Main St. and Fairview Ave. Construct Gateway monuments and landscaping at Millikin <br /> University entrance points. Improve the aesthetics of the railroad overpasses. Improve Storm Sewers and lighting. <br /> Division of Cost . <br /> Type of Work HPP % STATE % LA % Total <br /> Participating Construction 1,327,053 ( ' ) ( ) 734,947 BAL <br /> ( ) 2,062,000 <br /> Non-Participating Construction ( ) ( ) 18,000 ( 100 ) 18,000 <br /> Preliminary Engineering ( ) ( � � � <br /> Construction Engineering ( ) ( � � <br /> Right of Way ( ) ( � � � <br /> Railroads ( ) � � � � <br /> Utilities ( ) ( ) � � <br /> TOTAL $ 1,327,053 $ $ 752,947 $ 2,080,000 <br /> "80% HPP funds NTE$1,327,053(shortfall to be covered by the local agency in the <br />' event the federal allocation differs from this amount) <br /> NOTE: The costs shown in the Division of Cost table are approximate and subject to change. The final LA share is dependent on the final Federal and <br /> State participation. The actual costs will be used in the final division of cost for billing and reimbursment. <br /> If funding is not a percentage of the total,place an asterisk in the space provided for the percentage and explain above. <br /> The Federal share of construction engineering may not exceed 15%of the Federal share of the final construction cost. <br />' Local Agency Appropriation <br /> By execution of this Agreement,the LA is indicating su�cient funds have been set aside to cover the local share of the project cost and <br /> additional funds will be appropriated, if required,to cover the LA's total cost. <br /> Method of Financing(State Contract Work) <br /> METHOD A---Lump Sum (80%of LA Obligation) <br /> METHOD B--- Monthly Pavments of <br /> METHOD C---LA's Share $752,947.00 divided bv estimated total cost multiplied by actual proqress payment. <br />, (See page two for details of the above methods and the financing of Day Labor and Local Contracts) <br /> Printed 2/27/2008 Page 1 of 4 BLR 05310(Rev. 11/30/07) <br />