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� determination, provided, however, that this Agreement shall be effective befinreen the <br /> Owner/Operator and the City immediately upon signature by their representatives. <br /> 5. The City promises IEPA and the Owner/Operator that it will prohibit the use of groundwater <br /> that is contaminated from the release at the Site at levels above Tier 1 remediation objectives <br /> beneath its Right-of-Way as a potable or other domestic supply of water and will limit access to <br /> soil as described herein under the Right-of-Way that is contaminated from the release at the <br /> Site at levels above Tier 1 remediation objectives. As the pavement in the Right-of-Way may be <br /> considered an engineered barrier, the Owner/Operator agrees to reimburse the City for <br /> maintenance activities requested by Owner/Operator in writing in order to maintain it as a <br /> barrier. The City does not otherwise agree to perform maintenance of the Right-of-Way, nor <br /> does it agree that the highway Right-of-Way will always remain a highway or that it will maintain <br /> the Right-of-Way as an engineered barrier. <br /> 6. The Owner/Operator agrees to defend, indemnify and hold hannless the City, and other <br /> highway authorities, if any, maintaining the highway Right-of-Way by an agreement with the <br /> City, and the City's agents, contractors or employees for all obligations asserted against or <br /> costs incur�ed by them, including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, associated with <br /> the release of Contaminants from the Site, regardless whether said obligations or costs were <br /> caused by the negligence, but not the gross negligence, of them. <br /> 7. As an additional consideration, Owner/Operator agrees to reimburse the City for the <br /> reasonable costs it has incurred in protecting human health and the environment, including, but <br /> not limited to, identifying, investigating, handling, storing and disposing of contaminated soil and <br /> groundwater in the Right-of-Way as a result of the release of Contaminants at this Site. The <br /> City has documented those costs for Owner. Those costs amount to 0.00. If costs have been <br /> incurred, a cashier's check made payable to "Treasurer, City of Decatut" shall be tendered to <br /> the City of Decatur at the time Owner/Operator fumishes a signed Agreement to the City for its <br /> signature. That check will be deposited when this Agreement is signed by all necessary parties. <br /> 8. This Agreement shall be binding upon all successors in interest to the Owner/Operator and <br /> to the interest of the City in the highway Right-of-Way. A successor in interest of the City would <br /> include a highway authority to which the City would transferjurisdiction of the highway. <br /> 9. Violation of the terms of this Agreement by Owner/Operator, or their successors in interest, <br /> may be grounds for voidance of this Agreement as a Highway Authority Agreement. Violation of <br /> the terms of this Agreement by the City will not void this Agreement, unless the IEPA has <br /> determined that the violation is grounds for voiding this Agreement as a Highway Authority <br /> Agreement and the City has not cured the violation within such time as fEPA has granted to <br /> cure the viotation. <br /> 10. This Agreement shall continue in effect from the date of this Agreement until the Right-of- <br /> Way is demonstrated to be suitable for unrestricted use and there is no longer a need for this <br /> Agreement as a Highway Authority Agreement, and the IEPA has, upon written request to the <br /> IEPA by the Owner/Operator and notice to the City, amended the notice in the chain of title of <br /> the Site to reflect unencumbered future use of that highway Right-of-Way. <br /> 11. Removed <br /> 12. This Agreement does not limit the City's ability to construct, reconstruct, improve, repair, <br /> maintain and operate a highway upon its property or to allow others to use the highway Right-of- <br /> Way by permit. To that extent, the City reserves the right and the right of those using its <br /> property under permit to remove contaminated soil or groundwater above Tier 1 residential <br /> remediation objectives from its Right-of-Way and to dispose of them as they deem appropriate <br /> not inconsistent with applicable environmental regulations so as to avoid causing a further <br /> release of the Contaminants and to protect human health and the environment. <br /> Prior to taking any such action, the City will first give Owner/Operator written notice, unless <br /> there is an immediate threat to the health or safety to any individual or to the pubiic, that it <br />