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, � . . <br /> . � <br /> Public Works Mutual Aid Agreement <br /> This Public Works Mutual Aid Agreement (hereinafter ``Agreeinent") is entered into by <br /> the following parties: the City of Champaign and the City of Decatur and <br /> WHEREAS, the Constitution of the State of Illinois, 1970, Article VII, Section 10, <br /> authorizes units of local government to contract or otherwise associate among themselves <br /> in any manner not prohibited by law or ordinance; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, � ILCS 220/1 et seq., <br /> provides that any power or powers, privileges or authority exercised or which may be <br /> eYercised by a unit of local government may be exercised and enjoyed jointly with any <br /> other unit of local government including a unit of local government from another state; <br /> and <br /> i�'HEREAS, the Parties hereto are units of local government as defined by the <br /> Constitution of the State of Illinois and the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Parties recognize that thev are vulnerable to a variety of potential, natural <br /> and man-made disasters; and <br /> WHEREqS, the Parties have entered into this Agreement to: <br /> (1) Protect the people and property in the participating municipalities from <br /> damage, injury, and loss of life and property; <br /> (2) Prepare for prompt and efficient rescae, care, and treatment of threatened or <br /> affected person; <br /> (3) Provide for the rapid and orderly rehabilitation of persons an� restoration of <br /> property; and <br /> (�) Provide for cooperation and coordination of aeti�-itiP` rtla.tin� to emergency <br /> and disaster mitigation, preparedness, response. and recovery; and <br /> til HEREAS, the Parties to this Agreement ��v�ish to pro��ide mutual aid and assistancz to <br /> on� �inother during times of disaster or public �vorks emergencits. <br /> NOW; TKEREFORE, the Parties agree as follo��vs: <br /> SECTiON I: DEFINITIONS <br /> . � o t i � <br />