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. . <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BF IT RESOLVED by the Citti� Council of the City of Decatur as <br /> follows: <br /> Section 1. Each of the above recitals is hereby incorporated within this resolution. <br /> Section 2. The City hereby establishes procedural guidelines for purpose of the <br /> administrative hearing under the Cable Communications Polic} Act of 1984 as follows: <br /> A. The City shall appoint a neutral hearing officer to conduct the <br /> administrative hearing and issue recommended findings of fact for consideration by the <br /> City Council. The administrative hearing will be conducted, to the extent practicable and <br /> consistent with the requirements of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, <br /> pursuant to the provisions for administrative h�arings in the Illinois Administrative <br /> Procedures Act. The specific requirements for the administrative hearing shall be as <br /> follows: <br /> B. Pre-hearing Discovery: <br /> (1) Each side is permitted liinited requests for production of <br /> documents and twenty (20) interrogatories. Vl-'ith respect to interrogatories, the <br /> following rules apply: <br /> (a) Interrogatories are to be answered by any officer or agent <br /> of either party, who shall furnish such information as is available to the <br /> partY; <br /> (b) Each interrogatory is to be answered separately and fully in <br /> writing under oath, unless it is objected to, in which event the objecting <br /> party- shall state the reasons for the objection and answer to the extent that <br /> the interrogatory is not objectionable. All objections shall be stated with <br /> specificity and any ground for objection which is not stated in a timely <br /> manner is waived unless the party's failure is excused by the City for good <br /> cause shown; <br /> (c) Interrogatories will be answered within the timeframe <br /> established by the hearing officer; <br /> (2) No depositions shall be permitted. <br /> (3) The hearing ofticer will rule on all discover�� disputes, which may <br /> arise. <br /> (4) Discovery shall close fifteen (15) days before the administrative <br /> hearing. <br />