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� � ' <br /> � If the private service will proceed through, on or within pubiic rights-of-way for which the City does <br /> not have jurisdictional contral, the Owner shall submit written, notarized authorization from the <br /> agency having jurisdictional control of its approval to install and maintain a private water service and <br /> provide such proo#to the City prior to extending a private water service to the property. <br /> Authorization is hereby given to install a water service in the following street(s). Attach additional <br /> documentation as may be requirsd by controlling jurisdiction(s): <br /> � J�= �.�, �l <br /> Name of S Nama af Jurisdiction <br /> v� � � e d 406 <br /> nature and Titie of Authorized Representative Date <br /> N�veN��N��H�N <br /> $ °'OFFICIAL SEAL" �� �q <br /> ttested 8y . NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF ILIINOIs Date <br /> j MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 06I03107 <br /> AN!♦�A 9B 6iB�N�'N1i�N�N� <br /> 4. The Owner shail pay a water tapping fee as if a water main were fronting the property and <br /> all related inspection and tapping charges. The water tapping fee shall be based on the rate <br /> for a water main of the most recent construction in the City's system as established by City <br /> codes. <br /> 5. If an interim water service is installed within the public right-of-way or parallel and adjacent <br /> to the public right-af-way the water service shall have two curb stops and boxes installed <br /> such that the first curb stop and box in the boulevard are near the tap in accordance with <br /> City Standard 4040. The second curb stop and box shall be installed in accordance with <br /> City Standard 4040 in front of the property where it would normaAy be installed if a water <br /> main existed in the road adjacent to the property. <br /> 6. If an interim water service is extended thraugh intervening private property a curb stop shalf <br /> be installed in the bouisvard near the tap in accordance with City Standard 4040. <br /> 7. Water service pipe shall conform to City codes, standards and specifications and the Illinois <br /> State Plumbing Code standards. Water service pipe shall be traceable by means of a metaE <br /> detector. <br /> 8. Owner agrees that if a water main is extended which fronts the property, owner, his heirs, <br /> devisees, future grantees or owners, or assigns: <br /> a. For an interim service connection per Section 5 above the Owner shall, at his sole <br /> expense, disconnect the interim service at the water main and connect to a new curb <br /> stop installed for the property, at the City's expense, in front of the property. Said <br /> transfer shall be completed within si�cty (60} calendar days from the date of written notice <br /> from the City to make the transfer. No water tapping fee or City's Engineering Division <br /> inspection fees will be charged to the property owner for the transfer of the interim <br /> service to the new curb stop provided by the City. <br /> b. For an interim service connection per Section 6 above the City will install, at its expense, <br /> a new curb stop and box in front of the property and reserves the right to have the <br /> interim service disconnected at the water main and connected to #he new curb stop <br /> subject to the foilowing conditions. (a} If there is sole, direct betterment to the Owner to <br /> relocate the interim service to the new curb stop the cost will be at the sole expense of <br /> the Owner. (b) lf the betterment is solely for the City to maintain and operate its water <br /> syatem, #he co3t to rclocate the interim service to tho now cu�b stop will be at thQ <br /> expense of the City. (c) If betterment to relocate the interim service to the new curb stop <br /> Page 2 <br />