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SMOKE TESTING <br /> 1. Smoke testing will only be used to gather needed information not possible by the <br /> physical/visual investigation and as directed by the City of Decatur Engineering <br /> staff. <br /> 2. Insertion of an inert type smoke bomb of three-minute duration into manholes by <br /> means of a 3000-cfm or larger blower. Logging of data including color photos of <br /> locations or smoke observed. <br /> DYE TESTING <br /> 1. Dye testing will only be used to gather needed information not possible by the <br /> physicaUvisual investigation and as directed by the City of Decatur Engineering <br /> staff. <br /> 2. lnsertion of a water-soluble vegetable based high color dye into a storm system <br /> to assist in outfall evaluation. <br /> C. REPORT <br /> MAPPING <br /> 1. Basic mapping to inctude: <br /> -Quarter section maps with all storm systems and effluent outfalls shown as field <br /> notes to assist in transfer of data by City of Decatur Engineering staff. <br /> PHOTOS <br /> 1. Photos of all storm effluent outfalls in digital format <br /> -Showing outfall <br /> -Listing pipe and size <br /> T.V. INSPECTION <br /> A report will be prepared documenting the techniques and equipmEnt used and <br /> summarizing the inspection. The report will include the following: <br /> 1. Separate sheets for each run or line noting distances and locations of the <br /> following: <br /> -Any structural damage, cracks, broken pipe, etc. <br /> -All service tie-ins and type <br /> -Manhole numbers <br /> -DireCtion of flow/depth <br /> -Depth and type of debris <br /> -Type of pipe and size <br /> -Color photos of problem areas <br /> 2. Evaluation of existing conditions found <br /> 3. CD/DVD <br /> -Complete on screen data view showing project name, date, continuous <br /> footage to nearest 0.10 ft.fiom starting manhole number. <br /> -Namation explaining conditions as seen. <br /> 3 <br />