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. � <br /> The mapping work involves walking the various creeks that flow through the City as well as <br /> Lake Decatur and comparing the City's quarter section maps with what is actually present in the <br /> field. The various storm water structures, inlets and storm drains are then documented and the <br />� City's maps updated by City Engineering. The investigative work will include smoke testing <br /> � and televising as needed to precisely locate the various storm drainage facilities. <br /> It is difficult to accurately determine the time and effort that will be necessary to investigate and <br /> map the City's storm system. The intention with this professional services agreement is to assist <br /> with the storm drain mapping of the City's storm drainage system in order to meet the <br /> obligations of the NPDES permit. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTION: There are no known objections to this resolution. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: None <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: Steve Swanson, Director of Engineering & <br /> Infrastructure, at 424-2747 <br /> Matt Newell, City Engineer, at 424-2747. <br /> The Director of Engineering &Infrastructure, Steve Swanson, will be in attendance at the City <br /> Council meeting to answer any questions of the Council on this item. <br /> BUDGET/TIME IMPLICATIONS: <br /> Funding for this project is currently proposed in the Capital Improvements Fund. A funding <br /> level of$35,000 is requested. <br /> The project is intended to be in effect until Apri131, 2007. <br /> Attach: 2 <br /> cc: John Smith, Assistant City Manager for Public Services <br /> Phil Wilhelm, Municipal Service Center Manager <br /> Bob Davidson, Engineering Technician Supervisor <br /> John Latshaw, Tele Scan, Inc. <br /> Page 2 <br />