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. r• , . ' <br /> REFERENCES <br /> Demissie, M. and L. L. Keefer. 1996. Watershed Monitoring and Land Use Evaluation for the <br /> Lake Decatur Watershed: Technical Report. lllinois State Water Survey, Miscellaneous <br /> Publication 169, Champaign, II., 122 pp. <br /> Keefer, L. L. and E. Bauer. 2005. Watershed Monitoring for the Lake Decatur Watershed, 2000- <br /> 2003. Illinois State Water Survey, Contract Report 2005-09, Champaign, II., 71 pp. <br /> Keefer, L. L. and M. Demissie. 1996. Watershed Monitoring for the Lake Decatur Watershed. <br /> Illinois State Water Survey, Contract Report 602, Champaign, II., 45 pp. <br /> Keefer, L. L. and M. Demissie. 1999. Watershed Monitoring for the Lake Decatur Watershed, <br /> 1997-1998. Illinois State Water Survey, Contract Report 637, Champaign, IL, 27 pp. <br /> Keefer, L. L. and M. Demissie. 2000. Watershed Monitoring for the Lake Decatur Watershed, <br /> 1998-1999. Illinois State Water Survey, Contract Report 2000-06, Champaign, II., 30 pp. <br /> Keefer, L. L. and M. Demissie. 2002. Watershed Monitoring for the Lake Decatur Watershed, <br /> 1999-2000. Illinois State Water Survey, Contract Report 2002-01, Champaign, II., 32 pp. <br /> Keefer, L. L., M. Demissie, S. Shaw and S. Jones. 1997. Watershed Monitoring for the Lake <br /> Decatur Watershed, 1996-1997. Illinois State Water Survey, Contract Report 620, <br /> Champaign, II., 45 pp. <br /> Markus, M., C. W.-S. Tsai and M. Demissie. 2003. Uncertainty of Weekly Nitrate-Nitrogen <br /> Forecasts Using Artificial Neural Networks. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 129 <br /> (3):267-274. <br /> 5 <br />