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, , , ,. � _ <br /> �K � 1 � � PG-1 �l 1 <br /> (3) An Ordinance Adopting Tax Increment Allocation Financing for the <br /> Redevelopment Project Area. <br /> This Agreement is specifically contingent on these aforementioned Ordinances <br /> being approved. Should the City not approve these ordinances or shoutd they accept a separate <br /> proposal for the development of this land by October 1, 2006, this agreement shall be null and <br /> void. <br /> E. Within the Redevelopment Project Area located on the southeast side of the City <br /> is a partly improved, partly vacant tract of land consisting of approximately 8.9 acres and <br /> currently owned by Glad Tidings Assembly of God (the "Developer's Site") which includes land <br /> suitable for commercial development and which tract qualifies as a blighted and/or conservation <br /> area, the legal description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 2. <br /> F. The Developer has entered into a contract to purchase said tract and plans to <br /> develop this site, subject to certain contingencies including the creation of a Redevelopment <br /> Project Area under the Act. <br /> G. The Developer's proposed project is consistent with the land uses and the <br /> comprehensive plan of the City as adopted, as well as those uses required under the Act; <br /> H. The City has the authority under the Act to incur Redevelopment Project Costs <br /> ("Eligible Project Costs ") and also to reimburse Developer for such costs. <br /> I. The City has determined that this Project requires the incentives requested as set <br /> forth in Exhibit 1 and that said Project will as a part of the Plan promote the health, safety and <br /> welfare of the City and its citizens by attracting private investment and provide much needed <br /> employment for its citizens and to further the growth of the City, facilitate the redevelopment of <br /> the entire Redevelopment Project Area, increase the assessed valuation of the real estate situated <br /> within the City, promote increased economic activity within the City, and upgrade public <br /> infrastructure within the Redevelopment Project Area; and <br /> J. The City, in order to induce Developer to make the investment described in this <br /> Agreement is prepared to issue notes, as described herein. <br /> K. In consideration of the actions described in Paragraph E above and in <br /> consideration of the execution of.this Agreement, the Developer will proceed with acquisition of <br /> the site and commencement of development. <br /> L. To facilitate the development of the Property, and subject to and in accordance <br /> with the terms of this Agreement and the limitations hereinafter stated, the City has agreed to <br /> Page 2 of 29 <br />