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`� . <br /> �� �� � � �� n�Ra�ovE�rn�rrr�, coo��x�on Ac��r�rrr <br /> Betureen City of Decaiaxr, Illi�iois, and <br /> Decatur Civic Center Authorhy for <br /> OFera�3on af certaixi City parking g�'ag�s <br /> THIS AC]KEEN�EPIT is between the CITY C�F DECATUR, a municipal cor�ration <br /> organized under the laws of the State of Illinois ("City"), and the DECATUR <br /> METROPOLITRI`I �.XPOSITIOI`I, �UDITQRIUM Ai`ID OFFICE BUILDIlYCI ALPfHOKITY, a <br /> unit of local govemment organ�zed under the laws of the State of Illinois <br /> (�Authorityn). <br /> WI-iEREAS, pursuant to Article VII, Section 1 U of the 1970 Constrtution of the <br /> State of lllinois, and, the Illinois Intergovemmental Cooperation Act (S ILCS 200J1), <br /> u�its of locat government in the State of Illinois may contract between themselves <br /> to obtain or share services and to exercise or combine funcfi�ions which either of fihe <br /> units of local government are autho�ized by law to perform; and <br /> WHEKEAS, the City and Authority desire to enter into this Agreement for the <br /> Authorit�to fumish personnel and supervision for certain cii.y off-street motor <br /> vehicle parking faeilrties located within the Cit�+; and <br /> WHER.EAS, this Agreement is to define the duties and obligations of the a <br /> parties hereto in regar�to such opera�ion, but this ligreement is not to supersede <br /> any Iritergovernmental Ac�reement heretofore entered into between such parties. <br /> Na�TtI�REF01�, in consideration of the premises and mutual obL'gations of <br /> the parties hereto, each party does herel�y covenant and agree with the othe"r, for <br /> _ their mutual benefit, as foIIows: <br /> 1 <br />