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The City Manager may extend the fa�ade renovation milestone in the event of inclement weather <br /> or other delays deemed beyond the developer's control. <br /> *Residential Occupancy shall be defined as the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by the <br /> Building Inspector for the two residential units in the structure. <br /> C. OWNER/DEVELOPER-MUNICIPALITY SHARES OF TIF PROCEEDS <br /> Owner/ <br /> Developer* Municipality <br /> (a) Real Estate: Years 1-12 50% 50% <br /> (b) City Sales Tax -0-% -0-% <br /> (c) State Sales Tax -0% -0% <br /> * Subject to su�ciency of Estimated Redevelopment Project Costs. The <br /> reimbursement of TIF increment sha11 be contingent upon completion of the <br /> Faqade Renovation Milestone. <br /> ELIGIBLE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATED AMOUNTS($) <br /> Land Acquisition $ -p- <br /> Site Pre aration <br /> P $ -0- <br /> Demolition $ -p- <br /> Planning and Engineering $ 10,000 <br /> Other Professional Fees $ -0- <br /> Street Improvements $ -0- <br /> Streetscape Improvements $ -0- <br /> Utilities $ _p_ <br /> Lighting $ -p_ <br /> Construction Interest $ -0- <br /> Rehabilitation Renovation/Remodelin�- $ 55 000 <br /> TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS: $ 65,000 <br /> Tax increment allocations under this Agreement shall continue until all Eligible Redevelopment <br /> Project Costs related to the Development Project are paid or for 12 years, whichever comes first. <br /> The payment of any Note and/or Eligible Redevelopment Project Costs is subject to the <br /> availability of Incremental Taaces. <br />