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:. ' ti � <br /> Mr. Keith Alexander,City of Decatur—Apri124,2006—Page 2 <br /> AWI's mission is to conduct research and educational programs on practices and policies that <br /> improve water qualiry, maintain or restore ecosystem health, and conserve and manage land and <br /> water resources in agricultural watersheds. We conduct applied research on issues of local, <br /> regional and nationa.l importance. We aspire to achieve national leadership in our research focus <br /> areas. AWI's research builds on and complements the valuable work that the Macon County <br /> SWCD and other SWCDs do. <br /> Our current research focus areas are: <br /> • Nutrient management, <br /> • Beneficial use of dredged sediment, and <br /> • Biomass energy to generate�lectricity and heat. <br /> WORK TO BE PERFORMED WITH CITY FINANCIAL SUPPORT <br /> The financial support to be provided by the City will be used to continue and expand work by <br /> AWI in our current research focus areas, in our educational program, and in additional areas that <br /> may be determined in consultation with City representatives. <br /> Nutrient management: The proposed City funding will be used as non-federal match <br /> for the current Upper Sangamon River Targeted Watershed Project and to identify and develop <br /> additional strategies for reducing nutrient loads in the Lake Decatur watershed. In consultation <br /> with the City, AWI will pursue governmental or foundation grants for research, outreach and <br /> implementation of additional nutrient management strategies. <br /> Beneficial use of dredged sediment: The proposed City funding will be used to develop <br /> ideas for large-scale beneficial use of dredged sediment and to conduct research, demonstration <br /> projects, economic analysis, and sta.keholder outreach related to sediment use. If requested by <br /> the City, AWI will gather information and assist in public participation activities to identify ways <br /> to reduce costs, mitigate adverse impacts, and increase benefits and public acceptance of <br /> alternatives for dredging and water supply. <br /> Biomass energy: The proposed City funding will be used to explore ideas for biomass <br /> energy that can improve water and air quality and also create economic development. AWI is <br /> currently heading a learning group with representatives of agriculture, electrical utilities, <br /> industry, conservation agencies and organizations, researchers, and bus�ness specialists to assess <br /> the viability of a local market for biomass as a clean, renewable fuel. If it is determined that <br /> such a market is viable, the project will proceed to develop a business model and plan. Project <br /> goals include m�imizing the water quality benefits of perennial grasses or woody biomass <br /> grown for energy generation. AWI will hold at least one seminar on "green entrepreneurship", <br /> that is, creation of profitable business enterprises that protect the environment. <br /> S6ared Learning Program: The proposed City funding will be used to support AWI's <br /> seminars, workshops and other educational events. These are designed to bring together <br /> reseazchers; government policy makers and program managers; agricultural producers, managers <br /> and landowners; environmental professionals and advocates; and other watershed stakeholders to <br /> share ideas and seek win-win solutions. Program objectives are (1) to explore ideas for <br />